Now showing items 1-20 of 25

    • Valenzuela-Venegas, Guillermo; Henríquez-Henríquez, Francisco; Boix, Marianne; Montastruc, Ludovic; Arenas-Araya, Fernando; Miranda-Pérez, Jenny; Díaz-Alvarado, Felipe (Elsevier Ltd, 2018)
      An Eco-Industrial Park (EIP) is a community of businesses that seeks to reduce the global impact by sharing material. The connections among the industrial participants within this park improve the environmental performance ...
    • Bachmann Espinoza, Ivana; Bustos Jiménez, Javier; Bustos Cárdenas, Benjamín (Wiley, 2020)
      The analysis of network robustness tackles the problem of studying how a complex network behaves under adverse scenarios, such as failures or attacks. In particular, the analysis of interdependent networks' robustness ...
    • Chadwick Irarrázaval, Cristián; Gironás, Jorge; Barría Sandoval, Pilar Andrea; Vicuña, Sebastián; Meza, Francisco (MDPI, 2021)
      Climate change is modifying the way we design and operate water infrastructure, including reservoirs. A particular issue is that current infrastructure and reservoir management rules will likely operate under changing ...
    • Berezin Bercovich, Alan (Universidad de Magallanes, 2015)
      La investigación realizada, cuyos resultados se expondrán en el presente artículo, tuvo como objetivo dilucidar las motivaciones y prácticas que llevaron a algunos habitantes de Chaitén a articular un Movimiento Socioterritorial ...
    • Simi, E.; Moreno Moncada, Patricio; Villa Martínez, R.; Vilanova, I.; de Pol-Holz, R. (Wiley, 2017)
      We examine the response of Nothofagus forests to climate change and disturbance regimes over the last 3200 years near Coyhaique (45 degrees S), central-east Chilean Patagonia, using fine-resolution pollen and charcoal ...
    • Tirachini Hernández, Alejandro; Cats, Oded (Center Urban Transportation Research, 2020)
      The COVID-19 pandemic poses a great challenge for contemporary public transportation worldwide, resulting from an unprecedented decline in demand and revenue. In this paper, we synthesize the state-of-the-art, up to early ...
    • Bender, Brooke; Metzl, Einat S.; Selman, Trinidad; Gloger, Daniela; Moreno, Nancy (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2015)
      This study, conducted in Talca, Chile, a year and a half after a massive natural disaster, focused on creative thinking and art production as manifestations of resilience. Purposive sampling was used to recruit ...
    • Laporte Uribe, Franziska; Arteaga Herrera, Oscar Germán; Bruchhausen, Walter; Cheung, Gary; Cullum, Sarah; Fuentes Garcia, Alejandra Marcela; Miranda Castillo, Claudia; Kerse, Ngaire; Kirk, Ray; Muru Lanning, Marama; Salinas Ríos, Rodrigo Alejandro; Schrott, Lothar; Slachevsky Chonchol, Andrea María; Roes, Martina (MDPI, 2021)
      The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed existing gaps in policies, systems and services, stressing the need for concerted global action on healthy aging. Similar to the COVID-19 pandemic, dementia is a challenge for health ...
    • Salazar Sutil, Diego Rodrigo; Easton Vargas, Gabriel; Goff, James; Guendon, Jean L.; González Alfaro, José; Andrade, Pedro; Villagrán, Ximena; Fuentes Alburquenque, Mauricio Eduardo; León, Tomás; Abad, Manuel; Izquierdo, Tatiana; Power, Ximena; Sitzia, Luca; Álvarez, Gabriel; Villalobos, Ángelo; Olguín, Laura; Yrarrazaval Ascencio, Sebastián Alonso; González, Gabriel; Flores, Carola; Borie, César; Castro Rojas, María Victoria; Campos, Jaime (AMER Assoc Advancement Science, 2022)
      Early inhabitants along the hyperarid coastal Atacama Desert in northern Chile developed resilience strategies over 12,000 years, allowing these communities to effectively adapt to this extreme environment, including ...
    • Inzulza Contardo, Jorge; Gatica Araya, Paulina; Easton Vargas, Gabriel; Pérez Tello, Sonia (Univ. Bio-Bio, Dept. Planificación & Diseño, Chile, 2021)
      Santiago ha experimentado en sus últimas décadas un aumento considerable de áreas urbanizadas en el piedemonte de su borde oriente, donde además se localiza la Falla San Ramón (FSR), de modo que se ha vuelto un nuevo ...
    • Ortega Moreno, Ricardo (Universidad de Chile, 2019)
      La presente investigación se centra en la evaluación integral del riesgo de incendios forestales, es decir, sus componentes de amenaza, vulnerabilidad, exposición y resiliencia, a través de una metodología multicriterio, ...
    • Miranda Cerpa, Alejandro; Lara, Antonio; Altamirano, Adison; Di Bella, Carlos; González, Mauro E.; Camarero, Jesús Julio (Elsevier, 2020)
      Deforestation is widely studied throughout the world. However, a less evident issue is the effect of climate change and drought on remnants of native forests. The objective of this work was to understand the geographic ...
    • Barría Sandoval, Pilar; Cruzat, María Luisa; Cienfuegos, Rodrigo; Gironás, Jorge; Escauriaza, Cristián; Bonilla, Carlos; Moris, Roberto; Ledezma, Christian; Guerra, Maricarmen; Rodríguez, Raimundo; Torres, Alma (MDPI AG, 2019)
      Multi-hazard evaluations are fundamental inputs for disaster risk management plans and the implementation of resilient urban environments, adapted to extreme natural events. Risk assessments from natural hazards have been ...
    • Inzulza Contardo, Jorge; Boano, Camillo; Wirsching, Camila (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2018)
      Purpose This study aims to explore the complex relationship between post-earthquake reconstruction processes and gentrification in neighbourhoods of intermediate cities, calling on the critical role of recovery strategies ...
    • Lagos González, Tomás; Moreno Vieyra, Rodrigo; Navarro Espinosa, Alejandro; Panteli, Mathaios; Sacaan Amunátegui, Rafael; Ordóñez, Fernando; Rudnick, Hugh; Mancarella, Pierluigi (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020)
      Although extreme natural disasters have occurred all over the world throughout history, power systems planners do not usually recognize them within network investment methodologies. Moreover, planners had historically ...
    • Olivares Tirado, Pedro; Zanga Pizarro, Rosendo Orlando (Oxford, 2022)
      Background Most of the evidence about impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of healthcare workers (HCWs) comes from symptom questionnaires. It is important to evaluate main mental health diagnoses in hospital ...
    • Aldunce Ide, Paulina; Handmer, John; Beilin, Ruth; Howden, Mark (2016)
      There is growing recognition that routine climate change framing is insufficient for addressing the challenges presented by this change, and that different framings of climate change shape stakeholders' practices and guide ...
    • Xoplaki, Elena; Luterbacher, Juerg; Wagner, Sebastian; Zorita, Eduardo; Fleitmann, Dominik; Preiser-Kapeller, Johannes; Sargent, Abigail M.; White, Sam; Toreti, Andrea; Haldon, John F.; Mordechai, Lee; Bozkurt, Deniz; Akcer-On, Sena; Izdebski, Adam (Springer, 2018-06)
      This article analyses high-quality hydroclimate proxy records and spatial reconstructions from the Central and Eastern Mediterranean and compares them with two Earth System Model simulations (CCSM4, MPI-ESM-P) for the ...
    • Correa Burrows, María Paulina; Burrows Argote, Raquel; Albala Brevis, Cecilia; Court, F. A.; Salech Morales, Felipe; Sanhueza Olivares, Guillermo; González Billault, Christian (BMC, 2022)
      Background Aging is characterized by a progressive loss of capacities linked to fundamental alterations/damage in multiple cellular and molecular pathways. It is the most significant risk factor for all non-communicable ...
    • Lillo-Ortega, Gloria; Aldunce Ide, Paulina; Adler, Carolina; Vidal, Marcela; Rojas, Maisa (Springer Tokyo, 2018)
      © 2018, Springer Japan KK, part of Springer Nature. A severe drought has affected central Chile since 2009. Various adaptation responses have been developed, and a participatory process is required to learn from them. To ...