Now showing items 19828-19847 of 20921

    • Mattamala, Matías; Olave, Gonzalo; González, Clayder; Hasbún, Nicolás; Ruiz del Solar, Javier (Springer Verlag, 2018)
      We present an open-source accessory for the NAO robot, which enables to test computationally demanding algorithms in an external platform while preserving robot’s autonomy and mobility. The platform has the form of a ...
    • Contreras Morales, Yanett Alejandra (Universidad de Chile, 2012)
      Estudios recientes en longitudes de onda submilimétrica han mostrado que las estructuras filamentarias se ubican por todo el Plano Galáctico, estando en muchos casos asociadas a zonas de formación estelar. El estudio de ...
    • Comte, Diana; Farias, Marcelo; Roecker, Steven; Russo, Raymond (Elsevier B.V., 2019)
      © 2019 Elsevier B.V.Aftershocks of the 16 September 2015 M8.3 Illapel earthquake in central Chile were recorded for a period of one year by the Chile-Illapel Aftershock Experiment (CHILLAX) seismic network. An initial ...
    • Scicluna, P.; Kemper, F.; McDonald, I.; Srinivasan, S.; Trejo, A.; Wallstrom, S. H. J.; Wouterloot, J. G. A.; Cami, J.; Greaves, J.; He, Jinhua; Hoai, D. T.; Kim, Hyosun; Jones, O. C.; Shinnaga, H.; Clark, C. J. R.; Dharmawardena, T.; Holland, W.; Imai, H.; van Loon, J. Th; Menten, K. M.; Wesson, R.; Chawne, H.; Feng, S.; Goldman, S.; Liu, F. C.; MacIsaac, H.; Tang, J.; Zeegers, S.; Amada, K.; Antoniou, V.; Bemis, A.; Boyer, M. L.; Chapman, S.; Chen, X.; Cho, S-H; Cui, L.; Dell'Agli, F.; Friberg, P.; Fukaya, S.; Gómez, H.; Gong, Y.; Hadjara, Macinissa; Haswell, C.; Hirano, N.; Hony, S.; Izumiura, H.; Jeste, M.; Jiang, X.; Kaminski, T.; Keaveney, N.; Kim, J.; Kraemer, K. E.; Kuan, Y-J; Lagadec, E.; Lee, C. F.; Liu, S-Y; Liu, T.; de Looze, I.; Lykou, F.; Maraston, C.; Marshall, J. P.; Matsuura, M.; Min, C.; Otsuka, M.; Oyadomari, M.; Parsons, H.; Patel, N. A.; Peeters, E.; Pham, T. A.; Qiu, J.; Randall, S.; Rau, G.; Redman, M. P.; Richards, A. M. S.; Serjeant, S.; Shi, C.; Sloan, G. C.; Smith, M. W. L.; Suh, K-W; Toala, J. A.; Uttenthaler, S.; Ventura, P.; Wang, B.; Yamamura, I.; Yang, T.; Yun, Y.; Zhang, F.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, G.; Zhu, M.; Zijlstra, A. A. (Oxford University Press, 2022)
      The Nearby Evolved Stars Survey (NESS) is a volume-complete sample of similar to 850 Galactic evolved stars within 3 kpc at (sub-)mm wavelengths, observed in the CO J = (2-1) and (3-2) rotational lines, and the sub-mm ...
    • Muñoz Arce, Gianinna (Routledge, 2019)
      © 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.In Chile, the right-wing dictatorship (1973–1990) implemented the first neoliberal ‘experiment’ in the world, affecting the development of social work ...
    • Wheatley, Peter J.; West, Richard G.; Goad, Michael R.; Jenkins, James Stewart; Erikson, Anders; Soto, Maritza (Oxford University Press, 2018)
      We describe the Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS), which is a ground-based project searching for transiting exoplanets orbiting bright stars. NGTS builds on the legacy of previous surveys, most notably WASP, and is ...
    • Borzutzky Roubillard, Dan (Universidad de Chile, 2020)
    • Brault, Antoine; Lejay, Antoine (Walter de Gruyter GMBH, 2020)
      Solutions of Rough Differential Equations (RDE) may be defined as paths whose increments are close to an approximation of the associated flow. They are constructed through a discrete scheme using a non-linear sewing lemma. ...
    • Booth, Mark; Dent, William R. F.; Jordan, Andrés; Lestrade, Jean Francois; Hales, Antonio S.; Wyatt, Mark C.; Casassus Montero, Simón; Ertel, Steve; Greaves, Jane S.; Kennedy, Grant M.; Matra, Luca; Augereau, Jean Charles; Villard, Eric (Oxford University Press, 2017)
      We present the first Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of the closest known extrasolar debris disc. This disc orbits the star is an element of Eri, a K-type star just 3.2 pc away. Due to the ...
    • Jourani, Abderrahim; Thibault, Lionel; Zagrodny, Dariusz (Springer, 2016)
      A notion called norm subdifferential local uniform convexity (NSLUC) is introduced and studied. It is shown that the property holds for all subsets of a Banach space whenever the norm is either locally uniformly convex or ...
    • Deichler, Alfonso; Carrasco, Denisse; González-Cabrera, Cristian; Letelier, Juan; Marín, Gonzalo; Mpodozis Marín, Jorge (Wiley-Liss Inc., 2019)
      A defining feature of the amniote tecto‐fugal visual pathway is a massive bilateral projection to the thalamus originating from a distinct neuronal population, tectal ganglion cells (TGCs), of the optic tectum/superior ...
    • Moro, A. del; Alexander, D. M.; Aird, J. A.; Saez, C. (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2017)
      We present a study of the average X-ray spectral properties of the sources detected by the NuSTAR extragalactic survey, comprising observations of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (E-CDFS), Extended Groth Strip (EGS), ...
    • Masini, A.; Saez, C. (IOP Publishing Ltd, 2018)
      We present the results and the source catalog of the NuSTAR survey in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey (UDS) field, bridging the gap in depth and area between NuSTAR's ECDFS and COSMOS surveys. The survey covers a similar to ...
    • Lansbury, G. B.; Alexander, D. M.; Aird, J.; Saez, C. (IOP Publishing Ltd, 2017)
      We identify sources with extremely hard X-ray spectra (i.e., with photon indices of Gamma less than or similar to 0.6) in the 13 deg(2) NuSTAR serendipitous survey, to search for the most highly obscured active galactic ...
    • Perets, Hagai B.; Gal Yam, Avishay; Crockett, R. Mark; Anderson, Joseph P.; James, Phil A.; Sullivan, Mark; Neill, James D.; Douglas C. Leonard (IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2011-02-20)
      The supernova SN 2005cz has recently attracted some attention due to the fact that it was spectroscopically similar to type Ib supernovae (SNe Ib), a class that is presumed to result from the core collapse of massive stars, ...
    • Cieza, Lucas A.; Ruíz-Rodríguez, Dary; Hales, Antonio; Casassus Montero, Simón; Pérez, Sebastian; Gonzalez-Ruilova, Camilo; Cánovas, Hector; Williams, Jonathan P.; Zurlo, Alice; Ansdell, Megan; Avenhaus, Henning; Bayo, Amelia; Bertrang, Gesa H.M.; Christiaens, Valentin; Dent, (Oxford University Press, 2019)
      © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. We introduce the Ophiuchus DIsc Survey Employing ALMA (ODISEA), a project aiming to study the entire population of ...
    • Zurlo, Alice; Cieza, Lucas A.; Pérez, Sebastián; Christiaens, Valentín; Williams, Jonathan P.; Guidi, Greta; Cánovas, Héctor; Casassus Montero, Simón; Hales Gebrim, Antonio; Principe, David A.; Ruíz Rodríguez, Dary; Fernández Figueroa, Antonia (Oxford University Press, 2020)
      We present adaptive optics (AO) near-infrared (NIR) observations using VLT/NACO and Keck/NIRC2 of Ophiuchus DIsc Survey Employing ALMA (ODISEA) targets. ODISEA is an ALMA survey of the entire population of circumstellar ...
    • Sánchez Alfaro, Pablo; Reich Morales, Martín; Driesner, Thomas; Cembrano, Jose; Arancibia, Gloria; Pérez Flores, Pamela; Heinrich, Christoph A.; Rowland, Julie; Tardani, Daniele; Lange, Dietrich; Campos, Eduardo (Elsevier Science BV., 2016)
      Epithermal gold (Au) deposits result from the combination of a sustained flux of metal-rich fluids and an efficient precipitation mechanism. Earthquakes may trigger gold precipitation by rapid loss of fluid pressure but ...
    • Linares-Mustarós, Salvador; Ferrer-Comalat, Joan; Corominas-Coll, Dolors; Merigó Lindahl, José (John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2019)
      This work presents a data‐fusion mathematical object thatincorporates the optimism level of a decision‐makingagent. The new fusion object is constructed by extendingthe ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator in theprocess ...
    • Tardif, Delphine; Fluteau, Frédéric; Donnadieu, Yannick; Le Hir, Guillaume; Ladant, Jean-Baptiste; Sepulchre, Pierre; Licht, Alexis; Poblete Gómez, Fernando; Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume (Copernicus Gesellschaft MHB, 2020)
      The Cenozoic inception and development of the Asian monsoons remain unclear and have generated much debate, as several hypotheses regarding circulation patterns at work in Asia during the Eocene have been proposed in the ...