Now showing items 9829-9848 of 20925

    • Suárez Rojas, Cristián Marcelo (Universidad de Chile, 2018)
      Producto de la Ley Sistema Nacional de Aseguramiento de la Calidad de la Educación Parvularia, Básica y Media y su Fiscalización, N° 20.529, 2011; se crea la Superintendencia de Educación la cual, mediante la fiscalización, ...
    • Henríquez Lobo, Hernán Alejandro (Universidad de Chile, 2011)
      Debido al desarrollo tecnológico que ha tenido el hormigón en los últimos años, se ha generado una tendencia a la mayor fisurabilidad a edad temprana. Para abordar el estudio de este comportamiento, se ha puesto a punto ...
    • Munizaga Román, Gloria Andrea (Universidad de ChilePrograma Cybertesis, 2009)
      El presente Trabajo de Título tiene por objeto estudiar la influencia del contenido de puzolana adicionado al cemento en el comportamiento en retracción y fisuración de hormigones confeccionados con cementos que variaban ...
    • Pâris, Isabelle (IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl, 2013-03)
      We describe tting methods developed to analyze uctuations in the Lyman- forest and measure the parameters of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO). We apply our methods to BOSS Data Release 9. Our method is based on ...
    • Vega, Andrés; Donoso Tauda, Oscar; Ibáñez, Andrés; Escobar, Carlos (BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, 2008-04)
      A series of five compounds containing the bicyclo[3.3.0]octa-2,6-diene skeleton are described, namely tetramethyl cis,cis-3,7-dihydroxybicyclo[3.3.0]octa-2,6-diene-2,4-exo,6,8-exo-tetracarboxylate, C(16)H(18)O(10), (I), ...
    • Hoyer, Sergio; Rojo, P.; López Morales, M.; Díaz, R. F.; Chambers, J.; Minniti, D. (IOP PUBLISHING, 2011-05-20)
      We report five new transit epochs of the extrasolar planet OGLE-TR-111b, observed in the v-HIGH and Bessell I bands with the FORS1 and FORS2 at the ESO Very Large Telescope between 2008 April and May. The new transits have ...
    • Alvarado, Matías; Auffarth, Robert (Elsevier, 2018-08-01)
      We study the asymptotic behavior of the cardinality of the fixed point set of iterates of an endomorphism of a complex torus. We show that there are precisely three types of behavior of this function: it is either an ...
    • Cristi A., Mari M., Wiese A. (Schloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing, 2020)
    • Wiese, Andreas (Schloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing, 2018)
      Given a set of n jobs with integral release dates, processing times and weights, it is a natural and important scheduling problem to compute a schedule that minimizes the sum of the weighted flow times of the jobs. There ...
    • Silva, Jorge; Derpich, Milan (MDPI AG, 2018)
      This work demonstrates a formal connection between density estimation with a data-rate constraint and the joint objective of fixed-rate universal lossy source coding and model identification introduced by Raginsky in ...
    • Aracena, Julio; Gadouleau, Maximilien; Richard, Adrien; Salinas, Lilian (Elsevier, 2020)
      The asynchronous automaton associated with a Boolean network f : {0, 1}(n) -> {0, 1}(n) is considered in many applications. It is the finite deterministic automaton with set of states {0,1}(n), alphabet {1, ..., n}, where ...
    • Krisciunas, Kevin; Bastola, Deepak; Espinoza, Juan; González, David; González, Luis; González Tagle, Sergio; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Hsiao, Eric; Morrell, Nidia; Phillips, Mark M.; Suntzeff, Nicholas B. (IOP Publishing, 2013)
      We present previously unpublished photometry of supernovae 2003gs and 2003hv. Using spectroscopically derived corrections to the U-band photometry, we reconcile U-band light curves made from imagery with the Cerro Tololo 0.9 ...
    • Pardo Ojeda, Katherine Ignacia (Universidad de Chile, 2020)
      La laponita de grado RD es una nano-arcilla artificial del grupo de las esmectitas, ocupada principalmente como un modificador reológico en la industria y también es utilizado en la explotación de gas y petróleo. Actualmente ...
    • Berríos Caro, Ernesto; Clerc Gavilán, Marcel; León, A. O. (American Physical Society, 2016)
      Macroscopic extended systems with dissipation and injection of energy can exhibit particlelike solutions. Dissipative kinks with an oscillatory cloak and a family of localized states that connect uniform symmetric states ...
    • Díaz Verriera, Miguel Ángel (Universidad de Chile, 2019)
      Los problemas ambientales producto de la contaminación se han visto incrementados de sobremanera por la generación en base a combustibles fósiles, es en ese punto donde las energías renovables variables (ERV) se han visto ...
    • Leiva Torres, María Sofía (Universidad de Chile, 2023)
      La transición a energías renovables no convencionales (ERNC) es esencial para que Chile logre ser carbono neutral antes de 2050. La industria minera del cobre desempeña un papel crucial debido a su alto consumo energético. ...
    • Bansal, Prateek; Hurtubia, Ricardo; Tirachini, Alejandro; Daziano, Ricardo A. (Elsevier Ltd, 2019)
      This paper aims at better understanding passenger valuation of subway crowding in New York City. To this end, we conducted a stated preference survey with a discrete choice experiment where New Yorkers chose an alternative ...
    • Baloian Tataryan, Nelson; Zurita Alarcón, Gustavo; Antunez, Pedro; Baytelman Pilowsky, Felipe Bruno (2007)
      Middleware supporting the development of distributed systems has been produced since the beginnings of the Internet. With the emergence of mobile computing new requirements for this kind of middleware arise since the ...
    • Sierra Chi, Carlos A.; Aguilar Bolados, Héctor; López Manchado, M. A.; Verdejo, R.; Cauich Rodríguez, Juan Valerio; Aviles, F. (Elsevier, 2020)
      The electrical, mechanical and piezoresistive responses of vinyl ester nanocomposites made of two types of multilayer graphene sheets (GSs) and multiwall carbon nanotube hybrid fillers at different relative concentrations ...
    • Contreras Reyes, Eduardo; Garay, Jeremías (Elsevier, 2018)
      The outer rise is a topographic bulge seaward of the trench at a subduction zone that is caused by bending and flexure of the oceanic lithosphere as subduction commences. The classic model of the flexure of oceanic ...