Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Aspillaga Fontaine, Eugenio; Moraga Vergara, Mauricio; Santoro, Calogero; Standen, Vivien; Carvallo, Pilar; Rothhammer Engel, Francisco (2001)
      La hipótesis del origen amazónico de las poblaciones andinas basada en el análisis de marcadores genéticos nucleares es contrastada haciendo uso de ADN mitocondrial antiguo aislado de restos esqueletales de poblaciones ...
    • Osorio, Daniela; Jackson Squella, Donald; Ugalde, Paula; Latorre, Claudio; De Pol-Holz, Ricardo; Santoro, Calogero (2011-03)
      Researchers in the High Andes in northern Chile report the study of a fine cave sequence, supported by 19 radiocarbon dates. The initial occupation at c. 11 500 cal BP represents the earliest human occupation known ...
    • Manríquez Soto, Germán Raúl; Moraga Vergara, Mauricio; Santoro, Calogero; Aspillaga Fontaine, Eugenio; Arriaza, Bernardo T.; Rothhammer Engel, Francisco (2011)
      For decades anthropologists have discussed how and when the Americas were peopled. The prevailing view is that the first Paleoindians, ancestors of the Amerindians, arrived from Asia and Beringia to the American continent ...