Now showing items 3028-3047 of 12972

    • Rivera Lillo, Gonzalo Bernardo; Stamatakis, Emmanuel; Bekinschtein, Tristan A.; Menon, David K.; Chennu, Srivas (Nature, 2021)
      The overt or covert ability to follow commands in patients with disorders of consciousness is considered a sign of awareness and has recently been defined as cortically mediated behaviour. Despite its clinical relevance, ...
    • Silva Silva, Laura; Ramírez Ramírez, Andrea; Jerez, Sofía (1995)
      The delusional disturbance is characterized by the presence of persistent delusions that are not bizarre, which cannot be attributed to schizophrenia, mood state disorders, substance abuse or organic brain disease. We ...
    • Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina; Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile); Universidad de Tarapacá (Chile). Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas; Universidad Arturo Prat (Chile). Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; Universidad de Santiago (Chile); Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (Chile); Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile); Universidad Católica del Maule (Chile); Universidad de Concepción (Chile). Grupo Interdisciplinario de Investigación en Derechos Humanos y Democracia GIIDHD-UdeC; Universidad de La Frontera (Chile); Universidad de Los Lagos (Chile); Universidad Austral de Chile. Instituto de Salud Pública (Editorial Unidad social, 2021)
      Gracias al trabajo colaborativo de doce universidades con Unidad Social, se da a conocer a la comunidad los resultados dispuestos en el documento "Demandas prioritarias y propuestas para un Chile diferente: Sistematización ...
    • Troncoso S., Danka (Universidad de Chile, 2008)
      Como su nombre lo indica, la tesis esta referida a la Demanda y Necesidades de Salud de la Población Aymara” específicamente de la Provincia de Iquique. El objetivo del estudio busca explorar los conceptos de salud y ...
    • Laporte Uribe, Franziska; Arteaga Herrera, Oscar Germán; Bruchhausen, Walter; Cheung, Gary; Cullum, Sarah; Fuentes Garcia, Alejandra Marcela; Miranda Castillo, Claudia; Kerse, Ngaire; Kirk, Ray; Muru Lanning, Marama; Salinas Ríos, Rodrigo Alejandro; Schrott, Lothar; Slachevsky Chonchol, Andrea María; Roes, Martina (MDPI, 2021)
      The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed existing gaps in policies, systems and services, stressing the need for concerted global action on healthy aging. Similar to the COVID-19 pandemic, dementia is a challenge for health ...
    • Ibáñez, Agustín; Pina Escudero, Stefanie Danielle; Possin, Katherine L.; Quiroz, Yakeel T.; Aguzzoli Peres, Fernando; Slachevsky Chonchol, Andrea María; Sosa, Ana Luisa; Brucki, Sonia M. D.; Miller, Bruce L (Elsevier, 2021)
      The prevalence of dementia in Latin America and the Caribbean is growing rapidly, increasing the burden placed on caregivers. Exacerbated by fragile health-care systems, unstable economies, and extensive inequalities, ...
    • Parra, Marrio A.; Baez, Sandra; Allegri, Ricardo; Nitrini, Ricardo; Lopera, Francisco; Slachevsky Chonchol, Andrea; Custodio, Nilton; Lira, David; Piguet, Olivier; Kumfor, Fiona; Huepe, David; Cogram, Patricia; Bak, Thomas; Manes, Facundo; Ibañez, Agustín (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2018)
      The demographic structure of Latin American countries (LAC) is fast approaching that of developing countries, and the predicted prevalence of dementia in the former already exceeds the latter. Dementia has been declared a ...
    • Custodio, Nilton; Wheelock, Ana; Thumala Dockendorff, Daniela Cecilia; Slachevsky Chonchol, Andrea (Frontiers media SA, 2017)
      Population aging is among the most important global transformations. Today, 12% of the world population is of age 60 and over and by the middle of this century this segment will represent 21.5%. The increase in population ...
    • Parra, Mario Alfredo; Báez, Sandra; Sedeño, Lucas; González Campo, Cecilia; Santamaría García, Hernando; Aprahamian, Iván; Bertolucci, Paulo H. F.; Bustin, Julián; Camargos Bicalho, María Aparecida; Cano Gutiérrez, Carlos; Caramelli, Paulo; Chaves, Marcia L. F.; Cogram, Patricia; Costa Beber, Bárbara; Court, Felipe A.; Cruz de Souza, Leonardo; Custodio, Nilton; Damián, Andrés; Cruz, Myriam de la; Rodríguez, Roberta Diehl; Dozzi Brucki, Sonia María; Fajersztajn, Lais; Farías Gontupil, Gonzalo Andrés; Felice, Fernanda G. de; Ferrari, Raffaele; Ferreira de Oliveira, Fabricio; Ferreira, Sergio T.; Ferretti, Ceres; Figueredo Balthazar, Marcio Luiz; Ferreira Frota, Norberto Anizio; Fuentes, Patricio; García, Adolfo A.; García, Patricia J.; De Gobbi Porto, Fábio Henrique; Duque Peñailillo, Lissette; Engler, HenryWilly; Maier, Irene; Mata, Ignacio F.; González Billault, Christian; López, Oscar L.; Morelli, Laura; Nitrini, Ricardo; Quiroz, Yakeel T.; Guerrero Barragán, Alejandra; Huepe, David; Pio, Fabricio Joao; Kimie Suemoto, Claudia; Kochhann, Renata; Kochen, Silvia; Kumfor, Fiona; Lanata, Serggio; Miller, Bruce; Mansur, Leticia Lessa; Hosogi, Mirna Lie; Lillo, Patricia; Guerra, Jorge Llibre; Lira, David; Lopera, Francisco; Comas, Adelina; Ávila Funes, José Alberto; Sosa, Ana Luisa; Ramos, Claudia; França Resende, Elisa de Paula; Snyder, Heather M.; Tarnanas, Ioannis; Yokoyama, Jenifer; Llibre, Juan; Cardona, Juan Felipe; Possin, Kate; Kosik, Kenneth S.; Montesinos, Rosa; Moguilner, Sebastián; Solís, Patricia Cristina Lourdes; Ferretti Rebustini, Renata Eloah de Lucena; Ramírez, Jerónimo Martin; Matallana, Diana; Mbakile Mahlanza, Lingani; Marques Ton, Alyne Mendonça; Tavares, Ronnielly Melo; Miotto, Eliane C.; Muniz Terrera, Graciela; Muñoz Nevárez, Luis Arnoldo; Orozco, David; De Oliveira, Maira Okada; Piguet, Olivier; Caipa, Maritza Pintado; Piña Escudero, Stefanie Danielle; Schilling, Lucas Porcello; Rodrigues Palmeira, André Luiz; Sanches Yassuda, Mônica; Santacruz Escudero, José Manuel; Serafim, Rodrigo Bernardo; Smid, Jerusa; Slachevsky, Andrea; Serrano, Cecilia; Soto Añari, Marcio; Takada, Leonel Tadao; Grinberg, Lea Tenenholz; Teixeira, Antonio Lucio; Barbosa, Maira Tonidandel; Trépel, Dominic; Ibáñez, Agustín (Wiley, 2021)
      Across Latin American and Caribbean countries (LACs), the fight against dementia faces pressing challenges, such as heterogeneity, diversity, political instability, and socioeconomic disparities. These can be addressed ...
    • Sharma, S.; Babiker, A.G.; Emery, S.; Gordin, F.M.; Lundgren, J.D.; Neaton, J.N.; Bakowska, E.; Schechter, M.; Wiselka, M.J.; Wolff Reyes, Marcelo (British HIV Association, 2015)
      Objectives The risks and benefits of initiating antiretroviral treatment (ART) at high CD4 cell counts have not been reliably quantified. The Strategic Timing of AntiRetroviral Treatment (START) study is a randomized ...
    • Single, Richard M.; Meyer, Diogo; Nunes, Kelly; Santos, Rodrigo; Hunemeier, Tábita; Maiers, Martin; Hurley, Carolyn K; Bedoya, Gabriel; Gallo, Carla; Hurtado, Ana Magdalena; Llop Romero, Elena; Petzl-Erler, Maria L.; Poletti, Giovanni; Rothhammer, Francisco; Tsuneto, Luiza; Klitz, William; Ruiz Linares, Andrés (Public Library Science, 2020)
      The American continent was the last to be occupied by modern humans, and native populations bear the marks of recent expansions, bottlenecks, natural selection, and population substructure. Here we investigate how this ...
    • Mathur, Chhavi; Johnson, Kory R.; Tong, Brian A.; Miranda, Pablo; Srikumar, Deepa; Basilio, Daniel; Latorre, Ramón; Bezanilla, Francisco; Holmgren, Miguel (Nature Publishing Group, 2018)
      © 2018 The Author(s). Local translation of membrane proteins in neuronal subcellular domains like soma, dendrites and axon termini is well-documented. In this study, we isolated the electrical signaling unit of an axon by ...
    • Binder, Henry J.; White Ortiz, Allan; Whiting, Diane; Hayslett, John (1986)
      Since both aldosterone and glucocorticoids increase cation transport in rat distal colon, and a specific glucocorticoid high affinity cytosolic receptor has been indentified in this tissue, it was possible that the action ...
    • Ramírez, Omar A.; Vidal, René L.; Tello, Judith A.; Vargas, Karina J.; Kindler, Stefan; Härtel, Steffen; Couve, Andrés (2009)
      Understanding the mechanisms that control synaptic efficacy through the availability of neurotransmitter receptors depends on uncovering their specific intracellular trafficking routes. γ-Aminobutyric acid type B (GABAB) ...
    • Escobar, A.; López, M.; Serrano, A.; Ramirez, M.; Pérez, C.; Aguirre, A.; González, R.; Alfaro, J.; Larrondo, M.; Fodor, M.; Ferrada, C.; Salazar Onfray, Flavio (2005)
      Dendritic cell (DC)-based therapy has proved to be effective in patients with a variety of malignancies. However, an optimal immunization protocol using DCs and the best means for delivering antigens has not yet been ...
    • Moore, C.; Sauma Mahaluf, Daniela; Reyes, P. A.; Morales, J.; Rosemblatt Silber, Mario César; Bono Merino, María Rosa; Fierro, J. A. (2010)
      Background: CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) play an essential role in immune tolerance, suppressing responses against self-antigens. Additionally, Treg play an important role in maintaining immunosuppression to ...
    • Silva, Manuel A.; Quera Pino, Rodrigo; Valenzuela Escobar, Jorge; Salim, Sa’ad Y.; Söderholm, Johan D.; Perdue, Mary H. (SPRINGER, 2008-07)
      We investigated myeloid-dendritic cell (DC) marker and Toll-like receptor (TLR)-2 and 4 distributions in ileal samples from Crohn’s disease (CD) patients (n = 14) and controls (n = 13). In controls, no TLR-2+ cells ...
    • Cordero, María Elena; D'Acuña, Eduardo; Benveniste, Samuel; Prado, René; Nuñez, Juan Antonio; Colombo, Marta (1993)
      The structure of large pyramidal cells from layer V of the motor cortex of undernourished and well-nourished infants was studied to determine the effects of postnatal nutrition on cortical dendritic development. In ...
    • Cordero, Maria Elena; Trejo, Manuel; Garcia, Emilio; Barros, Teresa; Colombo, Marta (1985)
      The Golgi-Cox method was used to study the maturation of the large pyramidal cells of the Vth cortical layer in two groups of adult rats, one subjected to early postnatal malnutrition and another malnourished only during ...
    • Carrasco Naranjo, Fernando; Cano Cappellacci, Marcelo; Camousseigt, Jean; Rojas Moncada, Pamela; Inostroza Escobar, Jorge; Torres Díaz, Rubén (2013)
      Introducción: La desnutrición es común en la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC), junto a una menor masa muscular y densidad mineral ósea (DMO), aumentando el riesgo de morbilidad. Objetivo: Comparar la composición corporal ...