Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Canals Lambarri, Mauricio; Veloso Iriarte, Claudio; Solís Muñoz, Rigoberto (Frontiers Media S.A., 2015)
      Spiders are small arthropods that have colonized terrestrial environments. These impose three main problems: (i) terrestrial habitats have large fluctuations in temperature and humidity; (ii) the internal concentration of ...
    • Canals Lambarri, Mauricio; Arriagada, Nicolás; Solís Muñoz, Rigoberto (Entomological Society of America, 2015)
      In Chile, all necrotic arachnidism is attributed to the Chilean recluse spider, Loxosceles laeta Nicolet, a species that shares the microenvironmental habitats with the spitting spider Scytodes globula Nicolet. The latter ...
    • Canals Lambarri, Mauricio; Veloso Iriarte, Claudio; Moreno, Lucila; Solís Muñoz, Rigoberto (Wiley-Blackwell, 2015)
      The rates of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide release of primitive hunters and weaver spiders, the Chilean Recluse spider Loxosceles laeta Nicolet (Araneae: Sicariidae) and the Chilean Tiger spider Scytodes globula ...
    • Canals Lambarri, Mauricio; Solís Muñoz, Rigoberto; Valderas, Julio; Ehrenfeld, Mildred; Cattan Ayala, Pedro (Entomological Society of America, 1997)
      Preferred temperature and activity patterns of Triatoma infestans Klug and Triatoma spinolai Porter were studied, both are vectors of Chagas' disease in Chile. In the laboratory, 24 T. spinolai and 18 T. infestans were ...