Now showing items 3562-3581 of 7550

    • Zambrano Ibujes, Jorge Eduardo; Benalcazar Villavicencio, Daniel Patricio; Pérez Flores, Claudio Andrés; Bowyer, Kevin W. (IEEE, 2022)
      Iris is one of the most accurate biometrics. This has led to the successful development of large-scale applications. However, with population growth, and new international applications, datasets are constantly increasing ...
    • Esparza, Andrés; Gerdtzen Hakim, Ziomara; Olivera Nappa, Álvaro; Salgado Herrera, José Cristián; Núñez González, Marco (American Physiological Society, 2015)
      Recent evidence shows that iron induces the endocytosis of the iron transporter dimetal transporter 1 (DMT1) during intestinal absorption. We, and others, have proposed that iron-induced DMT1 internalization underlies the ...
    • Jarmusch, Scott A.; Lagos Susaeta, Diego Ignacio; Diab, Emtinan; Salazar Aguirre, María Oriana; Asenjo de Leuze de Lancizolle, Juan; Ebel, Rainer; Jaspars, Marcel (Royal Soc. Chemistry, 2021)
      Siderophores are iron-chelating compounds that aid iron uptake, one of the key strategies for microorganisms to carve out ecological niches in microbially diverse environments. Desferrioxamines are the principal siderophores ...
    • Behn Von Schmieden, Antonio; Labra Jeldres, Alicia; Reyes Molina, Cristian (2015)
      Train algebras were introduced by Etherington in 1939 as an algebraic framework for treating genetic problems. The aim of this paper is to study the representations and irreducible representations of power-associative ...
    • Moni Bidin, Christian; Catelan, M.; Altmann, Martin (EDP SCIENCES S A, 2008-03)
      Context. The recently-discovered lack of close binaries, among extreme horizontal branch (EHB) stars in Galactic globular clusters, has thus far constituted a major puzzle, in view of the fact that blue subdwarf stars – ...
    • Warren, Caleb; Pezzuti, Todd; Koley, Shruti (Wiley-Blackwell, 2018)
      © 2018 Society for Consumer Psychology Despite a recognition that consumers want to be cool and value cool brands, the literature has only just begun to delineate what makes things cool. Writing by scholars, quotes by ...
    • Pino Zúñiga, Ana María; Rodríguez, J. (Elsevier Inc., 2019)
      The bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT) is a conserved component of the marrow microenvironment, providing storage and release of energy and stabilizing the marrow extent. Also, it is recognized both the amount and quality ...
    • Contreras Guajardo, Dante; Delgadillo, José; Riveros, Gabriela (Elsevier Ltd, 2019)
      This study seeks to determine whether overcrowding has a significant effect on students’ academic performance, controlling for variables associated with poverty and low socioeconomic status. It uses data from the international ...
    • Rapaport Zimermann, Iván; Salgado, J. Cristián; Asenjo de Leuze, Juan (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2005-05-20)
      Hydrophobicity is one of the most important physicochemical properties of proteins. Moreover, it plays a fundamental role in hydrophobic interaction chromatography, a separation technique that, at present time, is used in ...
    • De Boni, Raquel; Peratikos, Meridith; Shepherd, Bryan; Grinsztejn, Beatriz; Cortés, Claudia; Padgett, Denis; Gotuzzo, Eduardo; Belaunzarán-Zamudio, Pablo; Rebeiro, Peter F.; Duda, Stephany; McGowan, Catherine (Public Library of Science, 2018)
      The HIV care cascade has improved in Latin America over the last decade. However, the influence of alcohol and noninjected drug use (NIDU) on cascade outcomes is mostly unknown. This study estimated the association of ...
    • Roukema, Boudewijn F.; Buchert, Thomas; Fujii, Hirokazu; Ostrowski, Jan J. (Oxford University Press, 2016)
      In the standard model of cosmology, the Universe is static in comoving coordinates; expansion occurs homogeneously and is represented by a global scale factor. The baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) peak location is a ...
    • Contursi, A.; Rubio López, Mónica; Sauvage, M.; Cesarsky, D.; Barbá, R. H.; Boulanger, Francois (2007)
      Context. We present the analysis of ISOCAM-CVF and the J, H, and K-s photometry data for the HII region complex N4 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Aims. The aim is twofold: 1) to study the connection between the ...
    • Peng, X.; Atroshchenko, Elena; Kerfriden, P.; Bordas, S. P.A. (Elsevier, 2017)
      We present a novel numerical method to simulate crack growth in 3D, directly from the Computer-Aided Design (CAD) geometry of the component, without any mesh generation. The method is an isogeometric boundary element ...
    • Atalah, Joaquín; Blamey, Lotsé; Muñoz Ibacache, Sebastián; Gutiérrez, Felipe; Urzúa Acevedo, Marcela; Encinas, María Victoria; Páez, Maritza; Sun, Junsong; Blamey, Jenny M. (Springer, 2020)
      Violacein is an intensely purple pigment synthesized by various genera of bacteria that has been discovered to have a wide range of interesting biological activities which range from anticarcinogenic to antibacterial. One ...
    • Alvial, I. E.; Vargas, H. A.; Marinov, M.; Esquivel, C.; Araya, J.; Araya-Donoso, R.; Vila, I.; Véliz, D. (Nature Publishing Group, 2019)
      © 2018, The Genetics Society.Although low levels of genetic structure are expected in highly widespread species, geographical and/or ecological factors can limit species distributions and promote population structure and ...
    • Sánchez Ilabaca, Jaime; Baloian Tataryan, Nelson (SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2006)
      There is no doubt among the members of the CSCW community that awareness is a key issue in the design of successful collaborative software. In many systems awareness mechanisms have been implemented through displaying ...
    • Arroyo, D; Emery, X (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland, 2020)
    • Arroyo, Daisy; Emery, Xavier (Springer, 2020)
      The conditional simulation of Gaussian random vectors is widely used in geostatistical applications to quantify uncertainty in regionalized phenomena that have been observed at finitely many sampling locations. Two iterative ...
    • Fomin, Fedor V.; Gaspers, Serge; Kratsch, Dieter; Liedloff, Mathieu; Saurabh, Saket (2010)
      Iterative Compression has recently led to a number of breakthroughs in parameterized complexity. Here, we show that the technique can also be useful in the design of exact exponential time algorithms to solve NP-hard ...
    • Szkody, P.; Silber, Andrew; Sion, Ed; Downes, Ronald A.; Howell, Steve B.; Costa Hechenleitner, Edgardo; Moreno, H. (1996-06)
      We present optical spectra from 3 to 21 days and lUE spectra at 10 and 19 days following the outburst of the extreme amplitude, very short orbital period cataclysmic variable AL Corn after a 20 yr quiescent interval. The ...