Now showing items 7464-7483 of 7550

    • Podio, L.; Kamp, I.; Codella, C.; Cabrit, S.; Nisini, B.; Dougados, C.; Sandell, G.; Williams, J. P.; Testi, L.; Thi, W. F.; Woitke, P.; Meijerink, R.; Spaans, M.; Aresu, G.; Ménard, Francois; Pinte, Christophe (The American Astronomical Society, 2013)
      Water is key in the evolution of protoplanetary disks and the formation of comets and icy/water planets. While high-excitation water lines originating in the hot inner disk have been detected in several T Tauri stars ...
    • Santibáñez C., Palma-Behnke R., Montedonico M., Herrera-Neira F., Blanco-Contreras B., Olivares M. (International Solar Energy Society, 2020)
    • Henrique Bof, Pedro; Fernades Marques, Guilherme; Tilmant, Amaury; Dalcin, Ana Paula; Olivares Acuña, Marcelo Osvaldo (MDPI, 2021)
      Given its potentialities and characteristics, energy generation, food production, and water availability have a strong interdependency and correlation. Water is needed to produce energy and food, while energy is required ...
    • Tamburrino Tavantzis, Aldo; Martínez, Natalia (Wiley, 2017)
      The results of an experimental study on the oxygen transfer across the air-water interface under the combined effect of wind and mechanically generated waves are presented in the paper. The experiments were carried out in ...
    • Reyes Aspé, Francisco; Torrejón, Vicente; Falcón Beas, Claudio (American Physical Society, 2020)
      We report on the enhancement of the hydrodynamic damping of gravity waves at the surface of a fluid layer as they interact with a turbulent vortex flow in a sloshing experiment. Gravity surface waves are excited by oscillating ...
    • Le Roux, Jacobus (Springer, 2012)
      The wave friction factor is commonly expressed as a function of the horizontal water particle semi-excursion (Awb) at the top of the boundary layer. Awb, in turn, is normally derived from linear wave theory by UwbTw 2p ...
    • Chouly, Franz; Klein, Pauline (Springer, 2022)
      This paper deals with the coupling between one-dimensional heat and wave equations in unbounded subdomains, as a simplified prototype of fluid-structure interaction problems. First we apply appropriate artificial boundary ...
    • Claude, Francisco; Navarro, Gonzalo; Ordóñez, Alberto (Elsevier, 2015)
      The wavelet tree is a flexible data structure that permits representing sequences S[1, n] of symbols over an alphabet of size sigma, within compressed space and supporting a wide range of operations on S. When sigma is ...
    • Navarro, Gonzalo (Elsevier, 2014)
      The wavelet tree is a versatile data structure that serves a number of purposes, from string processing to geometry. It can be regarded as a device that represents a sequence, a reordering, or a grid of points. In ...
    • Pérez-Aros, Pedro; Thibault, Lionel (Heldermann Verlag, 2019)
      © 2019 Heldermann Verlag. All rights reserved.In this work we prove that if X is a complete locally convex space and {equation presented} is a function such that f -x∗attains its minimum for every x∗∈ U, where U is an open ...
    • Lira Teillery, Paulina (The American Astronomical Society, 2010-09-28)
      We present Gemini-North K-band spectra of two representative members of the class of high-redshift quasars with exceptionally weak rest-frame ultraviolet emission lines (WLQs), SDSS J114153.34+021924.3 at z = 3.55 and SDSS ...
    • Chowdhury, Avishek; Clerc, Marcel G.; Barbay, Jérémy; Robert-Philip, Isabelle; Braive, Remy (Nature, 2020)
      Driven non-linear resonators can display sharp resonances or even multistable behaviours amenable to induce strong enhancements of weak signals. Such enhancements can make use of the phenomenon of vibrational resonance, ...
    • Chen, Huyuan; Felmer Aichele, Patricio; Yang, Jianfu (Elsevier, 2018)
      In this paper, we study the elliptic problem with Dirac mass { -Delta u = Vu(p) + k delta(0) in R-N, (1) lim(vertical bar x vertical bar ->+infinity) u(x) = 0, where N > 2, p > 0, k > 0, delta(0) is the Dirac ...
    • Atroshchenko, Elena; Potapenko, S. (Wiley-V C H Verlag GMBH, 2016)
      In this paper we prove the existence of weak solutions for the inclusion problem in anti-plane Cosserat elasticity in Sobolev space setting, and for the corresponding systems of boundary integral equations.
    • Düring, Gustavo; Josserand, Christophe; Rica, Sergio (AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 2006-07-14)
      We study the long-time evolution of waves of a thin elastic plate in the limit of small deformation so that modes of oscillations interact weakly. According to the theory of weak turbulence (successfully applied in the ...
    • Cypriano, Eduardo S.; Sodre, Laerte; Kneib, Jean-Paul; Campusano, Luis E. (UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2004-09-20)
      We use the weak gravitational lensing effect to study the mass distribution and dynamical state of a sample of 24 X-ray-luminous clusters of galaxies (0.05 < z < 0.31) observed with the FORS1 instrument mounted on the ...
    • Atroshchenko, Elena; Tomar, Satyendra; Xu, Gang; Bordas, Stephane P. A. (Wiley, 2018-06)
      This paper presents an approach to generalize the concept of isogeometric analysis by allowing different spaces for the parameterization of the computational domain and for the approximation of the solution field. The ...
    • Correa Fontecilla, Rafael; Hantoute, Abderrahim; López, M. A. (Elsevier, 2016)
      In this paper we establish new rules for the calculus of the subdifferential mapping of the sum of two convex functions. Our results are established under conditions which are at an intermediate level of generality among ...
    • Kaminski, Benjamin; Katoen, Joost; Matheja, Christoph; Olmedo, Federico (Association for Computing Machinery, 2018)
      This article presents a wp–style calculus for obtaining bounds on the expected runtime of randomized algorithms. Its application includes determining the (possibly infinite) expected termination time of a randomized algorithm ...
    • Cardozo, Lucas E.; Russo, Pedro S.T.; Gomes-Correia, Bruno; Araujo-Pereira, Mariana; Sepúlveda-Hermosilla, Gonzalo; Maracaja-Coutinho, Vinicius; Nakaya, Helder I. (Frontiers Media S.A., 2019)
      Co-expression analysis has been widely used to elucidate the functional architecture of genes under different biological processes. Such analysis, however, requires substantial knowledge about programming languages and/or ...