Now showing items 2472-2491 of 7550

    • Lohmar, Silke; Robin, Claude; Gourgaud, Alain; Clavero Ribes, Jorge; Moreno, Hugo; Parada Reyes, Miguel; Ersoy, Orkun; López Escobar, Leopoldo; Naranjo, José Antonio (2007)
      Villarrica is an active stratovolcano located in the Southern Andean Volcanic Zone. About 13,800 years BP (conventional radiocarbon ages), this volcano experienced major explosive eruptions which resulted in the emission ...
    • Benito, Noelia; Flores Carrasco, Marcos (American Chemical Society, 2017)
      The deposition of Cu onto SiO2 has been carried out by electron beam evaporation in order to study the interface formation by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and angle resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Shifts in ...
    • Silva, Nataly; Moris, Silvana; Díaz, Maximiliano; Yutronic Sáez, Nicolás; Lang, Erika; Chornik Aberbuch, Boris; Kogan Bocian, Marcelo; Jara, Paul (MDPI, 2016)
      Cyclodextrin (CD) molecules form inclusion compounds (ICs), generating dimers that are capable of encapsulating molecules derived from long-chain hydrocarbons. The aim of this study is to evaluate the structural changes ...
    • Díaz, Eva; Herrera, Guillermo; Oyarzún, Simón; Muñoz Alvarado, Raúl Carlos (Nature, 2021)
      We report the resistivity of 5 Cu films approximately 65 nm thick, measured between 5 and 290 K, and the transverse magnetoresistance and Hall effect measured at temperatures 5 K < T < 50 K. The mean grain diameters are D ...
    • Miranda, A; Carrasco, J; Gonzalez, M; Pais, C; Lara, A; Altamirano, A; Weintraub, A; Syphard, AD (IOP Publishing, 2020)
    • Monares Ruiz, Andrés; Schmal Simon, Rodolfo (Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2004)
      El trabajo ha sido concebido por el cristianismo occidental como una forma ética: la conducta para procurarse el sustento es definida como virtuosa, a la vez que un medio para glorificar a Dios. Dentro de ese enfoque ...
    • Elduque, Alberto; Labra, Alicia (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2019)
      The affine group scheme of automorphisms of an evolution algebra ε with ε 2 is shown to lie in an exact sequence → D → Aut(E) → S, where D, diagonalizable, and S, constant, depend solely on the directed graph associated ...
    • Rojas, Pedro; Ulloa, Hugo; Niño, Yarko (Springer Netherlands, 2018)
      Gravity waves are prominent physical features that play a fundamental role in transport processes of stratified aquatic ecosystems. In a two-layer stratified basin, the equations of motion for the first vertical mode are ...
    • Gallardo Klenner, Laura; Barraza, Francisco; Ceballos, Andrés; Galleguillos, M.; Huneeus Lagos, Nicolás; Lambert, Fabrice; Ibarra, Cecilia; Munizaga Muñoz, Marcela; O'Ryan, Raul; Osses, Mauricio; Tolvett, Sebastián; Urquiza Gómez, Anahí Verónica; Veliz, Karina D. (Universidad California Press, 2018-05-03)
      Worldwide, urbanization constitutes a major and growing driver of global change and a distinctive feature of the Anthropocene. Thus, urban development paths present opportunities for technological and societal transformations ...
    • Vásquez, M.; Nieto, F.; Morata Céspedes, Diego; Droguett, B.; Carrillo Rosua, F. J.; Morales, S. (Elsevier, 2014)
      HRTEM textural evidence shows that clay minerals in the Tinguiririca geothermal field (Andean Cordillera, central Chile) are the result of direct alteration of former volcanic glass and minerals by hydrothermal fluids at ...
    • Castruccio Álvarez, Angelo; Rust, A.C.; Sparks, R.S.J. (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013)
      We present a simple tool to evaluate the dominant dynamical regime of a lava flow and to estimate the order of magnitude of the main rheological parameter (viscosity or yield strength) controlling the length of the lava ...
    • Durrett, Rick; Remenik Zisis, Daniel (Springer, 2012)
      The problem of how often to disperse in a randomly fluctuating environment has long been investigated, primarily using patch models with uniform dispersal. Here, we consider the problem of choice of seed size for plants ...
    • Fuente, Alberto de la; Shimizu, Kenji; Imberger, Jörg; Niño Campos, Yarko (AMER SOC LIMNOLOGY OCEANOGRAPHY, 2008-11)
      The evolution of internal waves in a two-layer rotating circular lake was studied under nonlinear and weak nonhydrostatic effects. Inclusion of nonlinear acceleration allowed the waves to steepen at the rear of the crest ...
    • Rodríguez, I.; Roche, O.; Moune, S.; Aguilera, F.; Campos, E.; Pizarro, M. (Elsevier, 2015)
      The Irruputuncu is an active volcano located in northern Chile within the Central Andean Volcanic Zone (CAVZ) and that has produced andesitic to trachy-andesitic magmas over the last ~258 ± 49 ka.We report petrographical ...
    • Janknecht, E.; Reimers, D.; López, S.; Tytler, D. (EDP SCIENCES S A, 2006-11)
      We investigate the evolution and the statistical properties of the Ly alpha absorbers of the intergalactic medium (IGM) in the largely unexplored redshift range z = 0.5-1.9. We use high-resolution (R = 30 000) UV (STIS) ...
    • Treister, Ezequiel; Urry, C. Megan (UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2006-12-01)
      In order to study the evolution of the relative fraction of obscured active galactic nuclei (AGNs), we constructed the largest sample to date of AGNs selected in hard X-rays. The full sample contains 2341 X-ray-selected ...
    • Ajello, M.; Costamante, L.; Sambruna, R. M.; Gehrels, N.; Chiang, J.; Rau, A.; Escala, A.; Greiner, J.; Tueller, J.; Wall, J. V.; Mushotzky, R. F (IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2009-07-01)
      We use three years of data from the Swift/Burst Alert Telescope ( BAT) survey to select a complete sample of X-ray blazars above 15 keV. This sample comprises 26 flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and 12 BL Lacertae (BL ...
    • González, Estefanía; Gómez-Caravaca, Ana María; Giménez, Begoña; Cebrián, Rubén; Maqueda, Mercedes; Martínez-Férez, Antonio; Segura-Carretero, Antonio; Robert Canales, Paz (Elsevier Ltd, 2019)
      © 2018 Elsevier LtdAn olive leaf extract (OLE) was microencapsulated with sodium alginate (SA) by spray-drying to study the evolution of oleuropein (ORP) during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion, and its bioaccessibility ...
    • Gelman, Sarah E.; Deering, Chad D.; Gutierrez, Francisco J.; Bachmann, Olivier (Springer, 2013)
      The 20 ka *0.1 km3 Omega dacite, which erupted shortly after the 26.5 ka Oruanui super-eruption, compositionally stands out among Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) magmas, which are overwhelmingly characterized by rhyolites ...
    • Fernández Aguilera, Rodrigo; Valenzuela Freraut, Eduardo; Casanello, Federico; Jorquera, Carola (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2006-06)
      TRANSYT has been used in Chile since the early 1980s for cost benefit analysis of infrastructure and traffic management projects. It is also the main tool of the Area Traffic Control Unit of Santiago de Chile since mid ...