Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Cordero, Juan P.; Campusano Brown, Luis; Propris, Roberto de; Haines, Chris; Weinzirl, Tim; Jogee, Shardha (The American Astronomical Society, 2016)
      A We evaluate the dry merger activity in the Coma cluster, using a spectroscopically complete sample of 70 red-sequence (RS) galaxies, most of which (similar to 75%) are located within 0.2R(200) (similar to 0.5 Mpc) from ...
    • Chiang, Yi-Kuan; Overzier, Roderik A.; Gebhardt, Karl; Finkelstein, Steven L.; Chiang, Chi-Ting; Hill, Gary J.; Blanc Mendiberri, Guillermo; Drory, Niv; Chonis, Taylor S.; Zeimann, Gregory R.; Hagen, Alex; Schneider, Donald P.; Jogee, Shardha; Ciardullo, Robin; Gronwall, Caryl (IOP Pub., 2015)
      Galaxy proto-clusters at z greater than or similar to 2 provide a direct probe of the rapid mass assembly and galaxy growth of present-day massive clusters. Because of the need for precise galaxy redshifts for density ...