Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Fraser, Morgan; Inserra, Cosimo; Jerkstrand, Anders; Kotak, Rubina; Pignata Libralato, Giuliano; Benetti, Stefano; Botticella, María Teresa; Bufano, Filomena; Childress, Michael; Mattila, Seppo; Pastorello, Andrea; Smartt, Stephen J.; Turatto, Massimo; Yuan, Fang; Anderson, Joe P.; R. Bayliss, Daniel D.; Bauer, Franz Erik; Chen, Ting Wan; Förster Burón, Francisco; Gal Yam, Avishay; Haislip, Joshua B.; Knapic, Cristina; Le Guillou, Laurent; Marchi, Sebastián; Mazzali, Paolo; Molinaro, Marco; Moore, Justin P.; Reichart, Daniel; Smareglia, Riccardo; Smith, Ken W.; Sternberg, Assaf; Sullivan, Mark; Takáts, Katalin; Tucker, Brad E.; Valenti, Stefano; Yaron, Ofer; Young, David R.; Zhou, George (Oxford University Press and Royal Astronomical Society, 2013)
      We present ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared observations of the interacting transient SN 2009ip, covering the period from the start of the outburst in 2012 October until the end of the 2012 observing season. The ...
    • Folatelli, Gastón; Bersten, Melina C.; Kuncarayakti, Hanindyo; Olivares Estay, Felipe; Anderson, Joseph P.; Holmbo, Simon; Maeda, Keiichi; Morrell, Nidia; Nomoto, Ken’ichi; Pignata Libralato, Giuliano; Stritzinger, Maximilian; Contreras, Carlos; Forster, Francisco; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Phillips, Mark M.; Prieto, José Luis; Valenti, Stefano; Afonso, Paulo; Altenmuller, Konrad; Elliott, Jonny; Greiner, Jochen; Updike, Adria; Haislip, Joshua B.; LaCluyze, Aaron P.; Moore, Justin P.; Reichart, Daniel E. (The American Astronomical Society, 2014-09-01)
      We present extensive optical and near-infrared photometric and spectroscopic observations of the stripped-envelope supernova SN 2010as. Spectroscopic peculiarities such as initially weak helium features and low ...