Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Urquhart, J. S.; Moore, T. J. T.; Schuller, F.; Wyrowski, F.; Menten, K. M.; Thompson, M. A.; Csengeri, T.; Walmsley, C. M.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; König, C. (Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013-03-12)
      Using the 870 mu m APEX Telescope large area survey of the Galaxy, we have identified 577 submillimetre continuum sources with masers from the methanol multibeam survey in the region 280 degrees < l < 20 degrees; vertical ...
    • Urquhart, J. S.; Moore, T. J. T.; Hoare, M. G.; Lumsden, S. L.; Oudmaijer, R. D.; Rathborne, Jill; Mottram, J. C.; Davies, B.; Stead, J. J. (2011)
      The Red MSX Source (RMS) survey has identified a large sample of massive young stellar objects and ultra compact HII regions from a sample of ∼2000 MSX and Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) colour selected sources. Using ...