Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Jara Díaz, Sergio; Rosales Salas, Jorge (Elsevier, 2017)
      Time allocation literature coming from all disciplines is reviewed and organized by means of a conceptual classification. A brief account of the origins and evolution of the modeling perspectives on time use research is ...
    • Fernández Antolín, Anna; Guevara Cue, Cristián; De Lapparent, Matthieu; Bierlaire, Michel (Elsevier, 2016)
      In this paper we extend the Multiple Indicator Solution (MIS) so that it can also be used to account for endogeneity when there are interactions between observed and unobserved factors in the specification of the utility ...
    • Jara Díaz, Sergio; Astroza, Sebastián; Bhat, Chandra R.; Castro, Marisol (Elsevier, 2016)
      We present a microeconomic model for time use and consumption for workers with an improved treatment of the (technical) relations between goods and time. In addition to the traditional time and income constraints, an ...
    • Guevara Cue, Cristián (Springer, 2017)
      The value of in-vehicle travel time savings (VT) estimated from mode-choice models has been sometimes found to be higher for private car than for public transportation. This mode-valued variation may seem paradoxical, if ...
    • López Ospina, Héctor A.; Martínez Concha, Francisco; Cortés Carrillo, Cristián (Springer, 2015)
      The microeconomic approach to explain consumers' behavior regarding the choice of activities, consumption of goods and use of time is extended in this paper by explicitly including the temporal dimension in the choice-making ...