Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Millanao, Ana R.; Mora, Aracely; Villagra, Nicolás A.; Bucarey Vivanco, Sergio Antonio; Hidalgo, Alejandro A. (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 2021)
      Broad antibacterial spectrum, high oral bioavailability and excellent tissue penetration combined with safety and few, yet rare, unwanted effects, have made the quinolones class of antimicrobials one of the most used in ...
    • Pokrant Huerta, Ekaterina Valerievna; Trincado, Lina; Yevenes, Karina; Terraza Rubio, Gigliola Elvira; Maddaleno Toledo, Aldo Eugenio; San Martín, Betty; Zavala, Sebastián; Hidalgo Olate, Héctor Aníbal; Lapierre Acevedo, Lisette Nicole; Cornejo Kelly, Javiera (Elsevier, 2021)
      Antimicrobials are currently used in poultry for disease treatment. However, their excretion in bird feces may contaminate the environment. Considering this, the objective of this work was to quantify antimicrobials residues ...