Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Mathieu, Christian; Moreno, Valentina; Pedersen, Janice; Jeria, Julissa; Agredo, Michel; Gutiérrez, Cristian; García, Alfonso; Vásquez, Marcela; Avalos, Patricia; Retamal Merino, Patricio (Elsevier, 2015)
      Aquatic and migratory birds, the main reservoir hosts of avian influenza viruses including those with high pathogenic potential, are the wildlife species with the highest risk for viral dissemination across countries and ...
    • Mathieu, Christian; González, Álvaro; García, Alfonso; Johow, Magdalena; Badía, Catalina; Jara, Cecilia; Núñez, Paula; Neira Ramírez, Víctor; Montiel, Néstor A.; Killian, Mary Lea; Brito, Bárbara P. (Blackwell, 2019)
      In December 2016, low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) caused by an H7N6 subtype was confirmed in a grow-out turkey farm located in Valparaiso Region, Chile. Depopulation of exposed animals, zoning, animal movement control ...