Now showing items 117-136 of 519

    • Mundt, Adrián; Marín, Pamela; Gabrysch, Caroline; Sepúlveda, Carolina; Roumeau, Jacqueline; Heritage, Paul (Frontiers Media, 2020)
    • Reyes, L; Sotomayor, CG; Arauna, D (Sociedad Medica de Santiago, 2020)
    • Olivia Hernández B., Magdalena Honorato S., María Carolina Silva G., Sepúlveda-Martínez Á., Javiera Fuenzalida C., Fernando Abarzúa C., Sofía Von Bischhoffshausen P., Nereida Morales M., García P., María Ignacia Oyarce M., Gérica Marcano C., Angélica Díaz R., Rafael Valdés V., Pamela Vallejos R., Cristóbal Jacobsen C., Francisca De Jourdan H., Rosa Barrios R., Andrea Vega B., Trinidad García-Huidobro M., Francisca Niemann P., Ulises Guajardo B., Javier Fuentealba L., Dominique Agurto G., Pamela Sanhueza G., Jorge Carrillo T., Juan Pedro Kusanovic P. (Sociedad Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecologia, 2020)
    • Weitz-Munoz, S; Parra-Lucares, A; Ihl, F; Ramos, C; Chaigneau, E; Llancaqueo, M (Sociedad Medica de Santiago, 2020)
    • Reyes, Lemuel; Sotomayor, Camilo G.; Arauna, Diego (Sociedad Médica de Santiago, Chile, 2020)
    • Wurmann Kiblisky, Pamela; Karsulovic Cvitanich, Claudio; Sabugo Siraqyan, María Francisca; Hernández Baeza, Claudia; Zamorano Soto, Pedro; Mac-Namara Hidalgo, Macarena (Dove Medical, 2022)
    • Pellegrini Pucci, Manuel; Poniachik Teller, Rafael; Núñez, Alfredo; Escudero Heldt, Mario; Carcuro, Giovanni; Cortés, Aarón A. (Elsevier, 2020)
      Purpose: To adapt and validate the English version of the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS) into Spanish FAOS-CL, following the WHO guidelines. Methods: A cross-sectional study including 318 outpatients with non-traumatic ...
    • Montenegro Medina, María Angélica; Ornstein Letelier, Claudia; Tapia Ilabaca, Patricia (Universidad de Chile, 2006)
      Este artículo revisa las acepciones comunes de los términos "cuerpo" y "corporalidad", las distingue y las sitúa en la vivencia de la imagen corporal femenina actual. Desde este análisis, propone algunas explicaciones en ...
    • Romero Patiño, Carlos; Rojas Jara, Verónica; Aranda Galaz, Rolando; Soto, Leandra; Estuardo Agurto, Nivia; Moya, Franco; Faundes, Jacqueline; Orellana, Marisis; Valencia, Evelyn; Bisbal, Patricia; Toro, Camila; Arellano Sepúlveda, Daniel (Sociedad Chilena de Medicina Intensiva, 2022)
      Los pacientes críticos se benefician de una rehabilitación integral que incluya movilización precoz, estimulación cognitiva, reacondicionamiento de la deglución y fonación, y participación de la familia. De acuerdo con ...
    • Godoy, D. A.; Videtta, W.; Santa Cruz, R.; Silva, X.; Aguilera Rodríguez, S.; Carreño Rodríguez, J. N.; Ciccioli, F.; Piñero, G.; Ciro, J. D.; Re-Gutiérrez, S.; Domeniconi, G.; Fischer, D.; Hernández, O.; Lacerda Gallardo, A.; Mejía, J.; Panhke, P.; Romero, C.; Lora, F. S.; Soler Morejón, C.; Sufan, J.L.; Montes, J. M.; Fuenzalida, L. C.; Parahnos, J.L; Jibaja, M. (Elsevier, 2020)
      El traumatismo craneoencefálico grave (TCEg) continúa siendo prevalente en lapoblación adulta joven. Lejos de descender, su incidencia se mantiene elevada. Uno de lospilares en los que se asienta su tratamiento es evitar, ...
    • Papapietro Vallejo, Karin; Méndez Martínez, Carolina; Matos Adames, Alfredo A.; Fuchs Tarlovsky, Vanessa; Contreras Nogales, Guillermo Carlos; Riofrio Paz, Roger Enrique; Perman, Mario Ignacio; Toulson Davisson Correia, María Isabel; Waitzberg, Dan Linetzky (BIOMED Central Ltd., 2017)
      Background: Malnutrition in critically ill adults in the intensive care unit (ICU) is associated with a significantly elevated risk of mortality. Adequate nutrition therapy is crucial to optimise outcomes. Currently, there ...
    • González Díaz, Sandra Nora; Martin, Bryan; De Lira Quezada, Cindy Elizabeth; Villarreal González, Rosalaura Virginia; Guzmán Avilan, Rosa Ivett; Macías Weinmann, Alejandra; Ortega Martell, José Antonio; Macouzet Sánchez, Carlos; Sánchez Borges, Mario; Rosario Filho, Nelson Augusto; Yáñez, Anahí; Guzmán Meléndez, María Antonieta; Cardona, Ricardo; Monge Ortega, Olga Patricia; Cherrez Ojeda, Iván; Herrera Castro, Dayanara; Valentin Rostan, Marylin; Ansotegui, Ignacio J.; Elizondo Villarroel, Barbara (Elsevier, 2021)
      Allergic diseases are one of the most frequent chronic diseases in the world. It has been established that there is a worldwide epidemic of allergic diseases; therefore, the treatment of allergies should be acknowledged ...
    • Navarrete Suárez, Carmen; Araníbar Durán, Ligia; Mardones Valdivieso, Felipe; Ávila, Ricardo; Velozo Papez, Luis (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016)
    • De Franco, Elisa; Caswell, Richard; Johnson, Matthew B.; Wakeling, Matthew N.; Zung, Amnon; Dũng, Vũ Chí; Bích Ngọc, Cấn Thị; Goonetilleke, Rajiv; Vivanco Jury, Maritza; El-Khateeb, Mohammed; Ellard, Sian; Flanagan, Sarah E.; Ron, David; Hattersley, Andrew T. (American Diabetes Association, 2020)
      Permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus (PNDM) is caused by reduced beta-cell number or impaired beta-cell function. Understanding of the genetic basis of this disorder highlights fundamental beta-cell mechanisms. We performed ...
    • Guzmán Rojas, Rodrigo; Atan, Ixora; Shek, Ka Lai; Dietz, Hans (Wiley-Blackwell, 2015)
      BackgroundRectocele is a herniation of the anterior wall of the rectal ampulla through a defect in the rectovaginal septum causing protrusion of the posterior vaginal wall. Common symptoms include symptoms of prolapse and ...
    • Poggi, Helena; Vera, Alejandra; Avalos, Carolina; Lagos, Marcela; Mellado, Cecilia; Aracena, Mariana; Aravena Cerda, Teresa; García, Hernán; Godoy, Claudio; Cattani, Andreína; Reyes, Loreto; Lacourt, Patricia; Rumie, Hana; Mericq, Verónica; Arriaza, Marta; Martinez Aguayo, Alejandro (Karger, 2015)
      Background: Deletions in the SHOX gene are the most frequent genetic cause of Leri-Weill syndrome and Langer mesomelic dysplasia, which are also present in idiopathic short stature. Aim: To describe the molecular and ...
    • Daniel Rappoport W., Matías Rau M., Francisco Rodríguez M., Patricio Gac E., Paula Segura H., Patricio Cabane T. (Sociedad de Cirujanos de Chile, 2020)
    • Espasandin Arias, Martina; Moscarella, Elvira; Mota Bucard, Alice; Moreno Moreno, Claudia; Lallas, Aimilios; Longo, Caterina; Argenziano, Giuseppe (MOSBY-ELSEVIER, 2015)
    • Vergara Bize, Loreto (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2010)
      Physical medicine and rehabilitation as a medical specialty in the United States emerged in the early 1930’s and was consolidated as such in the early 1950’s, at the same time; it began its development in Europe, together ...
    • Rosselot Jaramillo, Jaime (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      Practically, since it was born, an essential interest of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile has been the continuous actualization of its learning objectives, and the education improvement of methodologies ...