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Authordc.contributor.authorMäkinen, Veli 
Authordc.contributor.authorNavarro, Gonzalo es_CL
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationCOMBINATORIAL PATTERN MATCHING, PROCEEDINGS Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume: 4009 Pages: 306-317 Published: 2006en
Abstractdc.description.abstractGiven a sequence of n bits with binary zero-order entropy H-o, we present a dynamic data structure that requires nH(o) + o(n) bits of space, which is able of performing rank and select, as well as inserting and deleting bits at arbitrary positions, in O(log n) worst-case time. This extends previous results by Hon et al. [ISAAC 2003] achieving O(log n/log log n) time for rank and select but Theta(polylog(n)) amortized time for inserting and deleting bits, and requiring n + o(n) bits of space; and by Raman et al. [SODA 2002] which have constant query time but a static structure. In particular, our result becomes the first entropy-bound dynamic data structure for rank and select over bit sequences. We then show how the above result can be used to build a dynamic full-text self-index for a collection of texts over an alphabet of size sigma, of overall length n and zero-order entropy H-o. The index requires nHo + o(n log o) bits of space, and can count the number of occurrences of a pattern of length m in time O(m log n log sigma). Reporting the occ occurrences can be supported in O(occ log(2) n log sigma) time, paying O(n) extra space. Insertion of text to the collection takes O(log n log sigma) time per symbol, which becomes O(log(2) n log sigma) for deletions. This improves a previous result by Chan et al. [CPM 2004]. As a consequence, we obtain an O(n log n log sigma) time construction algorithm for a compressed self-index requiring nH(o) + o(n log sigma) bits working space during construction.en
Publisherdc.publisherSPRINGER-VERLAG BERLINen
Títulodc.titleDynamic entropy-compressed sequences and full-text indexesen
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revista

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