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Authordc.contributor.authorHöflich, P. 
Authordc.contributor.authorKrisciunas, Kevin es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorKhokhlov, A. M. es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorBaron, E. es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorFolatelli, Gastón es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorHamuy Wackenhut, Mario es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorPhillips, M. M. es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorSuntzeff, Nicholas B. es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorWang, L. es_CL
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationThe Astrophysical Journal, 710:444–455, 2010 February 10en_US
General notedc.descriptionThe work presented in this paper has been carried out within the NSF project “Collaborative research: Three- Dimensional Simulations of Type Ia Supernovae: Constraining Models with Observations” whose goal is to test and constrain the physics of supernovae by observations and improve SNe Ia as tools for high-precision cosmology. The project involves the University of Chicago (AST-0709181), the University of Oklahoma (AST-0707704), Florida State University (AST-0708855), Texas A&M (AST-0708873), the University of Chile in Santiago, and the Las Campanas Observatory, Chile. This research was also supported, in part, by the NSF grant AST-0703902 to P.A.H. and US Department of Energy Award Number DE-FG02-07ER41517 to E.B. M.H. and G.F. acknowledge support from Fondecyt (1060808 and 3090004), Programa Iniciativa Cient´ıfica Milenio de MIDEPLAN’ (P06-045-F), and CONICYT (FONDAP 15010003 and PFB 06). The authors are especially grateful to the members of the Carnegie Supernova Project team for the access to observational data prior to publication.en_US
General notedc.descriptionArtículo de publicación ISI
Abstractdc.description.abstractHigh-quality observations of B and V light curves obtained at Las Campanas Observatory for local Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) show clear evidence that SNe Ia with the same brightness decline or stretch may have systematic and independent deviations at times t 5 days before and at times t 30 days after maximum light. This suggests the existence of two independent secondary parameters that control the shape of SN Ia light curves in addition to the primary light curve parameter, stretch s or Δm15. The secondary parameters may reflect two independent physical effects caused by variations in the initial carbon-to-oxygen (C/O) profile in the progenitor and the initial central density ρc in a carbon–oxygen white dwarf exploding as an SN Ia. Theoretical light curves of delayed detonation SN Ia models with varying progenitor masses on the main sequence, varying accretion rates, and varying primordial metallicity reproduce two morphologically different and independent types of variations in observed visual light curves. These calculations predict small variations of ≈0.05 mag in the absolute brightness of SNe Ia which are correlated with the variations of progenitor mass on the main-sequence MMS, which changes the C/O profile, and ρc, which depends on the accretion rate. Such variations in real supernovae will induce systematic errors in SN Ia calibration at high redshifts. A physically motivated three-parameter, s, C/O, ρc, template for SNe Ia light curves might take these variations into account. Comparison between the theoretical predictions and the observational results agree qualitatively; however, the observations show variations between the B and V light curves that are not expected from the modeling and may indicate limitations in the details of the theoretical models.en_US
Publisherdc.publisherAmerican Astronomical Societyen_US
Keywordsdc.subjectdistance scaleen_US
Títulodc.titleSecondary parameters of type Ia supernova light curvesen_US
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revista

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