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Authordc.contributor.authorHart, Andrew 
Authordc.contributor.authorMachado, Fabio 
Authordc.contributor.authorMatzinger, Heinrich 
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationMarkov Processes and Related Fields Volumen: 21 Número: 4 Páginas: 939-970 (2015)en_US
General notedc.descriptionArtículo de publicación ISIen_US
Abstractdc.description.abstractA scenery is a coloring xi of the integers. Let {S-t}(t >= 0) be a recurrent random walk on the integers. Observing the scenery xi along the path of this random walk, one sees the color chi(t) := xi(S-t) at time t. The scenery reconstruction problem is concerned with recovering the scenery xi, given only the sequence of observations chi := (chi(t))(t >= 0). The scenery reconstruction methods presented to date require the random walk to have bounded increments. Here, we present a new approach for random walks with unbounded increments which works when the tail of the increment distribution decays exponentially fast enough and the scenery has five colors.en_US
Patrocinadordc.description.sponsorshipCenter for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) Basal CONICYT Program PFB 03en_US
Type of licensedc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Chile*
Link to Licensedc.rights.uri*
Keywordsdc.subjectScenery reconstructionen_US
Keywordsdc.subjectScenery distinguishingen_US
Keywordsdc.subjectLarge deviationen_US
Keywordsdc.subjectRandom walken_US
Títulodc.titleInformation Recovery from Observations by a Random Walk Having Jump Distribution with Exponential Tailsen_US
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revista

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