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Authordc.contributor.authorCollet, Pierre 
Authordc.contributor.authorDuarte, Mauricio 
Authordc.contributor.authorMartínez Aguilera, Servet 
Authordc.contributor.authorPrat Waldron, Arturo 
Authordc.contributor.authorSan Martín Aristegui, Jaime 
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationJournal of Functional Analysis 270 (2016) 1269–1298en_US
Identifierdc.identifier.otherDOI: 10.1016/j.jfa.2015.10.021
General notedc.descriptionArtículo de publicación ISIen_US
Abstractdc.description.abstractA multicone domain Omega subset of R-n is an open, connected set that resembles a finite collection of cones far away from the origin. We study the rate of decay in time of the heat kernel p(t, x, y) of a Brownian motion killed upon exiting Omega, using both probabilistic and analytical techniques. We find that the decay is polynomial and we characterize lim(t ->infinity)p(t, x, y) in terms of the Martin boundary of Omega at infinity, where alpha > 0 depends on the geometry of Omega. We next derive an analogous result for t(kappa/2)P(x) (T > t), with kappa = 1 +alpha-n/2, where T is the exit time from Omega. Lastly, we deduce the renormalized Yaglom limit for the process conditioned on survival.en_US
Patrocinadordc.description.sponsorshipFONDECYT 3130724 Programa Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio grant through Nucleus Millenium Stochastic Models of Complex and Disordered Systems NC130062en_US
Type of licensedc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Chile*
Link to Licensedc.rights.uri*
Keywordsdc.subjectHeat kernelen_US
Keywordsdc.subjectBrownian motionen_US
Keywordsdc.subjectYaglom limiten_US
Keywordsdc.subjectMartin boundaryen_US
Títulodc.titleAsymptotics for the heat kernel in multicone domainsen_US
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revista

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