Aims. We present a multi-wavelength analysis of the infrared dust bubble S 24, and the extended IR sources G341.220-0.213 and
G341.217-0.237 located in its environs, with the aim of investigating the characteristics of the molecular gas and the interstellar dust
linked to them, and analyzing the evolutionary state of the young stellar objects identified there and its relation to S 24 and the IR
Methods. Using the APEX telescope, we mapped the molecular emission in the CO(2-1), 13CO(2-1), C18O(2-1), and 13CO(3-2) lines
in a region of about 5′ × 5′ in size around the bubble. The cold dust distribution was analyzed using submillimeter continuum images
from ATLASGAL and Herschel. Complementary IR and radio data at different wavelengths were used to complete the study of the
interstellar medium in the region.
Results. The molecular gas distribution shows that gas linked to the S 24 bubble, G341.220-0.213, and G341.217-0.237 has velocities
between –48.0 km s−1 and –40.0 km s−1, compatible with a kinematical distance of 3.7 kpc generally adopted for the region. The gas
distribution reveals a shell-like molecular structure of ∼0.8 pc in radius bordering the S 24 bubble. A cold dust counterpart of the shell
is detected in the LABOCA and Herschel-SPIRE images. The presence of weak extended emission at 24 μm from warm dust and
radio continuum emission projected inside the bubble indicates the existence of exciting sources and that the bubble is a compact Hii
region. Part of the molecular gas bordering the S 24 Hii region coincides with the extended infrared dust cloud SDC341.194-0.221.
A molecular and cold dust clump is present at the interface between the S 24 Hii region and G341.217-0.237, shaping the eastern
border of the IR bubble. As regards G341.220-0.213, the presence of an arc-like molecular structure encircling the northern and
eastern sections of this IR source indicates that G341.220-0.213 is interacting with the molecular gas. The analysis of the available
IR point source catalogs reveals the existence of young stellar object (YSO) candidates linked to the IR extended sources, thus
confirming their nature as active star-forming regions. Gas and dust masses were estimated for the different features. The
total gas mass in the region and the H2 ambient density amount to 10300 M⊙ and 5900 cm−3, indicating that G341.220-0.213,
G341.217-0.237, and the S 24 Hii region are evolving in a high density medium. A triggering star formation scenario for the
Hii region is investigated.
CONICET of Argentina under project PIP 0356,
UNLP under project 11/G120; CONICyT of Chile through FONDECYT
grant No. 1140839.