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Authordc.contributor.authorGodoy, Benigno 
Authordc.contributor.authorLazcano, José 
Authordc.contributor.authorRodríguez, Inés 
Authordc.contributor.authorMartínez, Paula 
Authordc.contributor.authorParada, Miguel A. 
Authordc.contributor.authorLe Roux, Petrus 
Authordc.contributor.authorWilke, Hans-Gerhard 
Authordc.contributor.authorPolanco, Edmundo 
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationJournal of South American Earth Sciences Volumen: 84 Páginas: 184-200es_ES
Abstractdc.description.abstractPaniri volcano, in northern Chile, belongs to a volcanic chain trending across the main orientation of the Central Andean volcanic province. Field work mapping, stratigraphic sequences, and one new Ar-40/Ar-39 and eleven previous published Ar-40/Ar-39, and K/Ar ages, indicate that the evolution of Paniri involved eruption of seven volcanic units (Malku, Los Gordos, Las Lenguas, Las Negras, Viscacha, Laguna, and Llareta) during four main stages occurring over more than 1 Myr: Plateau Shield ( > 800 ka); Main Edifice (800-400 ka); Old Cone (400-250 ka); and New Cone (250-100 ka). Considering glacial and fluvial action, an estimated 85.3 km(3) of volcanic material were erupted during the eruptive history of Paniri volcano, giving a bulk eruption rate of 0.061 km(3)/ka, with major activity in the last 150 kyr (eruption rate of 0.101 km(3)/ka). Lava flows from Paniri show abundant plagioclase together with subordinate ortho-, and clino-pyroxene, and amphibole as main phenocrysts. Moreover, although true basalts are scarce in the Central Andes, olivine-bearing lavas were erupted at Paniri at 400 ka. Also, scarce phenocrysts of biotite, quartz, rutile, and opaque minerals (Fe-Ti oxides) were identified. The groundmass of these flows is composed mainly of glass along with pyroxene and plagioclase microlites. Consolidated and unconsolidated pyroclastic deposits of dacitic composition are also present. The consolidated deposits correspond to vitreous tuffs, whilst unconsolidated deposits are composed of pumice clasts up to 5 cm in diameter. Both pyroclastic deposits are composed of glassy groundmass (up to 80% vol.), and subordinated plagioclase, hornblende, and biotite phenocrysts up to 1 cm in length. Results of twenty-four new, coupled with previous published compositional analyses show that volcanic products of Paniri vary from 57% (basaltic-andesite) to 71% (rhyolite) vol. SiO2, with significant linear correlations between major element-oxide and trace-element concentrations. Sr-87/Sr-86 isotope ratios range from 0.7070 to 0.7075, indicating that Paniri, similar to other volcanoes of the San Pedro - Linzor volcanic chain, have undergone significant crustal contamination of its parental magmas. However, the almost constant Sr-isotope compositions of the different volcanic units defined for Paniri volcano, suggested later fractional crystallization of magmas at upper crustal levels.es_ES
Patrocinadordc.description.sponsorshipFONDAP-CONICYT 15090013 CONICYT/FONDECYT 53160432es_ES
Type of licensedc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile*
Link to Licensedc.rights.uri*
Sourcedc.sourceJournal of South American Earth Scienceses_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectCentral Andeses_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectPaniri volcanoes_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectAFC-Like evolutiones_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectPlagioclase fractionationes_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectPhysical volcanologyes_ES
Títulodc.titleGeological evolution of Paniri volcano, central Andes, Northern Chilees_ES
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revista
Indexationuchile.indexArtículo de publicación ISIes_ES

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