This conceptual paper tackles the matter of teaching in higher education andproposes a concept of ‘horizons of teaching’. It firstly offers an overview of the consid-erable empirical literature around teaching—especially conceptions of teaching, approa-ches to teaching and teaching practices—and goes on to pose some philosophical andsocial theoretical considerations that open further the territory around teaching in uni-versity. Against this background, we propose the concept of ‘horizons of teaching’.Horizons of teaching provide a context in which it makes sense for teachers to givethemselves to the teaching enterprise and to go on giving themselves to teaching. Horizonsinclude diverse and intricate layers at both micro- and macro-levels that interact in apermanent and dynamic way; they involve persons and collectivities; and they concernstructures and agency. The paper concludes by proposing that horizons of teaching con-figure and delineate curricula and the pedagogical relationship in a way that might containa revolutionary potentiality in recasting teaching in higher education.
We propose a ‘1-to-1’ accompaniment and teaching development model emerging from the analysis and reflection of professional experience at a Teaching and Learning Center in a Chilean university. We highlight the relevance ...
Ramírez Campos, Yanina(Universidad de Chile, 2015)
The main purpose of the present study is to discover ESL teachers’ beliefs and what they describe as their own teaching practices. Besides, the purpose is to find out if their beliefs when giving a lesson are strong enough ...
Blended learning, which combines face-to-face workshops with self-directed online learning, is becoming a good alternative in designing and deploying professional development programs. The online component adapts to teachers' ...