The Block Tree (BT) is a novel compact data structure designed to compress sequence
collections. It obtains compression ratios close to Lempel-Ziv and supports efficient direct
access to any substring. The BT divides the text recursively into fixed-size blocks and those
appearing earlier are represented with pointers. On repetitive collections, a few blocks can
represent all the others, and thus the BT reduces the size by orders of magnitude. In
this paper we extend the BT to two dimensions, to exploit repetitiveness in collections of
images, graphs, and maps. This two-dimensional Block Tree divides the image regularly into
subimages and replaces some of them by pointers to other occurrences thereof. We develop
a specific variant aimed at compressing the adjacency matrices of Web graphs, obtaining
space reductions of up to 50% compared with the k
-tree, which is the best alternative
supporting direct and reverse navigation in the graph.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.