The establishment of a molecular biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is critical for diagnosis and follow up of patients, and as a quantitative parameter in the evaluation of potential new drugs to control AD. A list of blood biomarkers has been reported but none has been validated for the Alzheimer's clinic. The changes in hyperphosphorylated tau and amyloid peptide in the cerebrospinal fluid is currently used as a tool in the clinics and for research purposes, but this method is highly invasive. Recently, we reported a non-invasive and reliable blood biomarker that correlates the increase in the ratio of heavy tau (HMWtau) and the low molecular weight tau (LMWtau) in human platelets and the decrease in the brain volume as measured by structural MRI. This molecular marker has been named Alz-tau®. Beyond the clinical trials developed with a Latin American population, the present study focuses on an evaluatio