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Authordc.contributor.authorAbdel-Mawgoud, H.
Authordc.contributor.authorAli, Abdelfatah
Authordc.contributor.authorKamel, Salah
Authordc.contributor.authorRahmann Zúñiga, Claudia Andrea
Authordc.contributor.authorAbdel-Moamen, M. A.
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationIEEE Access Volumen9 Página 91062-91079 (2021)es_ES
Abstractdc.description.abstractIt is widely accepted that the integration of natural sources in distribution networks is becoming more attractive as they are sustainable and nonpolluting. This paper rstly proposes a modi ed Manta Ray Foraging Optimizer (MMRFO) to enhance the characteristic of MRFO technique. The modi ed MRFO technique is based on inserting the Simulated Annealing technique into the original MRFO to enhance the exploitation phase which is responsible for nding the promising region in the search area. Secondly, the developed technique is utilized for determining the best sizes and locations of multiple wind turbine (WT) and photovoltaic (PV) units in Radial Distribution System (RDS). The total system loss is taken as single-objective function to be minimized, considering the probabilistic nature of PV and WT output generation with variable load demand. Reactive loss sensitivity factor (QLSF) is utilized for obtaining the candidate locations up to fty percent of total system buses with the aim of reducing the search space. Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is used with PV to change it into a dispatchable supply. The changes in system performance by optimally integrating PV and WT alone or together are comprehensively studied. The proposed solution approach is applied for solving the standard IEEE 69 bus RDS. The obtained results demonstrate that installing PV and WT simultaneously achieves superior results than installing PV alone and WT alone in RDS. Further, simultaneous integration of WT and PV with BESS gives better results than simultaneous integration of WT and PV without BESS in RDS. The simulation results prove that the total system losses can be reduced by enabling the reactive power capability of PV inverters. The convergence characteristic shows that the modi ed MRFO gives the best solutions compared with the original MRFO algorithm.es_ES
Patrocinadordc.description.sponsorshipNational Research and Development Agency of Chile ANID/Fondap/15110019es_ES
Publisherdc.publisherIEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineerses_ES
Type of licensedc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
Link to Licensedc.rights.uri*
Sourcedc.sourceIEEE Accesses_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectPower generationes_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectLoad modelinges_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectReactive poweres_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectWind turbineses_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectBattery energy storagees_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectDistribution networkes_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectManta ray foraging optimizationes_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectWind turbineses_ES
Títulodc.titleA modified manta ray foraging optimizer for planning inverter-based photovoltaic with battery energy storage system and wind turbine in distribution networkses_ES
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revistaes_ES
dc.description.versiondc.description.versionVersión publicada - versión final del editores_ES
dcterms.accessRightsdcterms.accessRightsAcceso abiertoes_ES
Indexationuchile.indexArtículo de publícación WoSes_ES
Indexationuchile.indexArtículo de publicación SCOPUSes_ES

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