Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad (IEB): Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 225
(Elsevier, 2020)Latitudinal gradients are well-suited systems that may be helpful explaining distribution of haemosporidian parasites and host susceptibility. We studied the prevalence, diversity and drivers of haemosporidian parasites ...
Characterization of the Gut microbiota of the Antarctic Heart Urchin (Spatangoida) Abatus agassizii (Frontiers Media, 2020)Abatus agassizii is an irregular sea urchin species that inhabits shallow waters of South Georgia and South Shetlands Islands. As a deposit-feeder, A. agassizii nutrition relies on the ingestion of the surrounding sediment ...
(Wiley, 2020)Methylmercury is a neurotoxin that bioaccumulates from seawater to high concentrations in marine fish, putting human and ecosystem health at risk. High methylmercury levels have been found in the oxic subsurface waters of ...
(MDPI, 2020)Physiological thermal limits of organisms are linked to their geographic distribution. The assessment of such limits can provide valuable insights when monitoring for environmental thermal alterations. Using the dynamic ...
(Wiley, 2020)The Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, one of the last wild areas of the planet, is not exempt from the pressures of global change, such as non-native species introductions. During 2018 and 2019 we studied the Robalo river basin ...
(Springer, 2020)Shifts in species distributions are among the observed consequences of climate change, forcing species to follow suitable environmental conditions. Using species distribution models (SDMs), we aimed at predicting trends ...
(Springer, 2017)Biological nitrogen fixation is a key ecosystem function incorporating new nitrogen (N) during primary successions. Increasing evidence from tropical and northern temperate forests shows that phosphorus (P) and molybdenum ...
(Wiley, 2017)The successional pathways linking the Acacia caven-dominated savanna habitat '' espinal '' and the closed sclerophyllous forest of central Chile have long been debated. Previously, espinal was considered an invasive ...
(Wiley, 2014)Aim: To assess the long-term impacts of landscape fire on a mosaic of pyrophobic and pyrogenic woody montane vegetation. Location: South-west Tasmania, Australia. Methods: We undertook a high-resolution multiproxy ...
(Public Library Science, 2016)Glacial episodes of the Quaternary, and particularly the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) drastically altered the distribution of the Southern-Hemisphere biota, principally at higher latitudes. The irregular coastline of Patagonia ...
(Academic Press-Elsevier, 2016)Endemic to South America, octodontid rodents are remarkable by being the only mammal taxa where allotetraploidy has been documented. The taxon's extensive morpho-physiological radiation associated to niche shifts has allowed ...
(Elsevier, 2016)Mediterranean-type climate (MTC) ecosystems are characterized by recurrent wildfires. Although the majority of wildfires are human-ignited, non-anthropogenic (Le., natural) wildfires are common in all MTC regions except ...
(Elsevier, 2016)Floating seaweeds are important dispersal vehicles for many organisms in cold-temperate waters between latitudes 30 and 60. Molecular studies suggested that long-distance rafting of seaweeds is more prevalent at the polar ...
(Taylor & Francis, 2016)Cheilodactylus variegatus is a common benthivorous marine fish inhabiting in rocky subtidal habitats in the eastern south Pacific coast of Chile and Peru. However, its biology and ecology are relatively understudied and ...
(Oxford University Press, 2016-04)A growing body of evidence showing that individuals of some social species live in non-kin groups suggests kin selection is not required in all species for sociality to evolve. Here, we investigate 2 populations of Octodon ...
(Hindawi, 2016)Within a woody plant species, environmental heterogeneity has the potential to influence the distribution of genetic variation among populations through several evolutionary processes. In some species, a relationship between ...
(Wilson Ornithological Soc, 2016)Agonistic behavior in woodpeckers has been described for a wide range of species, although previous studies have not reported aggressive encounters resulting in the death of adults. In this study, we provide the first ...
(Wilson Ornithological Soc, 2016)We present descriptions of nest architecture, clutch size, nestling growth and nestling attendance for the Fire-eyed Diucon (Xolmis pyrope), based on nests found at the Fray Jorge National Park, Chile, at the northernmost ...
(ACADEMIC PRESS LTD- ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD., 2016)The avifauna of Chile is relatively depauperate, comprising 469 extant species, of which 213 are terrestrial. However, the Coquimbo Region presents a broad ecological transition from the hyperarid Atacama Desert to the ...
(John Wiley, 2016)Along the south-western coast of South America, three genera of fossil phocids (true seals) have been formally described from the late Neogene: Acrophoca and Piscophoca from Chile and Peru, and, more recently, Hadrokirus ...