Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Penailillo, Johany; Kuo, Wenhsi; Ceballos Olivares, Gabriela Paz; Silva Poblete, Gerardo; Peña Ahumada, Bárbara; Muñoz, Sofía; Moncada, Ximena; Chung, Kuo Fang; Seelenfreund Hirsch, Daniela; Seelenfreund, Andrea (Botanical Society of America, 2017)
      Premise of the study: Broussonetia papyrifera (Moraceae) is native to Asia and is used as a medicinal plant and as a source of fiber for making paper. It was dispersed into the Pacific region as a fiber source for making ...
    • Payacan, Claudia; Moncada, Ximena; Rojas, Gloria; Clarke, Andrew; Chung, Kuo Fang; Allaby, Robin; Seelenfreund, Daniela; Seelenfreund, Andrea (Oxford University Press, 2017)
      Background and Aims Paper mulberry or Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) L'Her. ex Vent. (Moraceae) is a dioecious species native to continental South-east Asia and East Asia, including Taiwan, that was introduced to the Pacific ...