Artículos de revistas: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 851
(Elsevier, 2021)The current preventive treatment for iron deficiency in pigs is inefficient, resulting in a high prevalence of iron-deficient or anemic postweaned pigs. The aim of this study was to develop and characterize edible toys ...
(MDPI, 2021)Canine mammary cancer corresponds to a tumor disease that frequently affects female dogs, especially those that are reproductively intact. This disease can decrease the survival and quality of life of affected animals; ...
(BMC, 2021)Background: Body traits are generally controlled by several genes in vertebrates (i.e. polygenes), which in turn make them difficult to identify through association mapping. Increasing the power of association studies ...
(Wiley, 2021)Through imputation of genotypes, genome-wide association study (GWAS) and genomic prediction (GP) using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data are cost-efficient and feasible in aquaculture breeding schemes. The objective ...
(Elsevier, 2021)Background: Brucella canis is the etiological agent of canine brucellosis, a worldwide neglected zoonosis that constitutes one of the major infectious causes of infertility and reproductive failure in dogs. Although genomic ...
(MDPI, 2021)The oestrous cycle in canines is specifically more extended than that in other mammals. This implies that the oocytes do not reach maturity within the ovarian follicle but undergo final maturation in the oviducts. Besides ...
(Wiley, 2020)
(Ediciones Univ. Concepción, Chile, 2020)El desierto absoluto de Atacama, carente de vegetación, se extiende por 740 kilómetros de latitud en Chile. En este ecosistema, la presencia de vertebrados de baja movilidad hace suponer el desarrollo de capacidades ...
(Elsevier, 2020)Guignas (Leopardus guigna) are small felids closely associated with native forest habitats. In fragmented landscapes, they use vegetation corridors and forest remnants to move across the landscape. In these contexts, guignas ...
(Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 2020)La investigación con fauna silvestre tiene diversos propósitos como la conservación de especies, gestión ambiental y generación de conocimiento. El objetivo de los Comités Institucionales de Cuidado y Uso de Animales (CICUAs) ...
(Centers Disease Control & Prevention, USA, 2020)Since their discovery in the United States in 1963, outbreaks of infection with equine influenza virus (H3N8) have been associated with serious respiratory disease in horses worldwide. Genomic analysis suggests that equine ...
(Oxford, 2020)Moonlight intensity influences the activity patterns of bats. Some bat species reduce their activity levels during brighter nights, a phenomenon known as "lunar phobia." While lunar phobia of bats has been extensively ...
(Pontifica Univ. Católica de Chile, 2020)Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) has invaded most continents in the world, including South America. In Chile, it became invasive after 2010, turning into a dominant species in coccinellid guilds in alfalfa crops, where it coexists ...
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)To contribute to Chilean honey's characterization, 12 honey samples were analyzed using comprehensive physicochemical and pollen analyses. Beekeepers donated samples from La Pintana, Linderos, Cajon del Maipo, and Chiloe. ...
(Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre-Reabic, 2020)Xenopus laevis has been present in the Chilean Mediterranean region since at least the 1970s. Studies of the global invasion of the African clawed frog have paid little attention to its early life stages, whose environmental ...
(Wiley, 2020)Landscape anthropization has been identified as one of the main drivers of pathogen emergence worldwide, facilitating pathogen spillover between domestic species and wildlife. The present study investigated Carnivore ...
(Elsevier, 2020)The mammalian brain is connected to the ear through corticofugal pathways. These neural circuits link non-auditory regions of the cerebral cortex like frontal and visual areas with the auditory cortex or the inferior ...
(Univ Córdoba, Fac Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, 2020)La investigación y el interés por el virus influenza aviar han aumentado considerablemente en las últimas décadas en respuesta a los brotes de influenza aviar de alta patogenicidad en aves de corral y a su potencial ...
(MDPI, 2020)Simple Summary Canine brucellosis caused by Brucella canis is a zoonotic disease that is considered the main infectious cause of infertility and reproductive failure in dogs worldwide, particularly in Latin America. ...
(MDPI, 2020)Simple Summary Infectious bronchitis (IB) is one of the more prevalent diseases in poultry, and it is caused by a virus belonging to the Coronaviridae family, the infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), a Gammacoronavirus ...