Now showing items 61-80 of 282

    • Le Fort Varela, Guillermo; Budnevich, Carlos (Banco Central de Chile, 1998)
      A new policy debate has arisen in Latin American countries after international investors’ recent reawakening to opportunities in emerging markets. Two polar positions have been defined in this policy debate. On the one ...
    • Caballero, Ricardo; Engel Goetz, Eduardo (National Bureau of Economic Research, 1992)
      In this paper we characterize the average response of output to aggregate demand shocks in an economy where individual firms follow state-dependent pricing rules. We find that: (i) the average response of output to aggregate ...
    • Álvarez Espinoza, Roberto; Canales, Mario (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2017)
      La mayoría de la literatura previa sobre obstáculos a la innovación se ha centrado en el impacto de las restricciones financieras. En este trabajo, utilizando la 8va Encuesta de Innovación en Chile, se analiza el efecto ...
    • Mainul Hoque, Mohammad; King, Elizabeth; Montenegro, Claudio; Orazem, Peter F. (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2017)
      Data from 919 household surveys conducted between 1960 and 2012 spanning 147 economies are used to evaluate the relationship between rising life expectancy at birth and lifetime years of schooling for successive birth ...
    • Álvarez Espinoza, Roberto; Claro, Sebastián (Banco Central de Chile, 2008)
      We use detailed Chilean plant-level data from 1990 to 2000 to study the impact of Chinese import competition in manufacturing industries. We study whether China’s imports have been associated with a downsizing of ...
    • Engel Goetz, Eduardo; Neilson, Christopher; Valdés Inostroza, Rodrigo (Banco Central de Chile, 2011)
      We explore the role of fiscal policy over the business cycle from a normative perspective, for a government with a highly volatile and exogenous revenue source. Instead of resorting to Keynesian mechanisms, in our framework ...
    • Sehnbruch, Kirsten (Centre For New Development Thinking, 2012)
      This article examines why, after 20 years of government by a centre-left coalition, the political position of unions in Chile has probably weakened. The academic literature has predominantly focused on the political and ...
    • Karnani Bhagwan, Mohit (Munich Personal RePEc Archive, 2015)
      I exploit the exogenous characteristic of a natural disaster occurred in Chile in order to explain its effects on general unemployment over affected and unaffected regions of the country in a mid-run timespan of 5 measured ...
    • Karnani Bhagwan, Mohit (Munich Personal RePEc Archive, 2016)
      We exploit the exogenous characteristic of random freshmen course assignment in a large Chilean university to identify the causal effect of teachers and their qualitative characteristics over students’ major choice. ...
    • Peña Torres, Julio; Basch Harper, Miguel Allan; Vergara, Sebastian (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2002)
      Este trabajo presenta estimaciones de eficiencia técnica en labores de pesca de la flota industrial en la pesquería pelágica Centro-Sur de Chile (regiones V hasta la X), con datos para 204 barcos a lo largo de 11 años ...
    • Núñez Errázuriz, Javier (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2000)
      Este artículo estudia las propiedades de la autorregulación como un esquema regulatorio para resolver los problemas de ineficiencia económica que surgen de la existencia de asimetría de información entre oferentes y ...
    • Contreras Guajardo, Dante (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2001)
      Private provision of education is a topic which has received a great deal of discussion around the world in recent years. Free choice of schools and a voucher system providing public funding to both private and public ...
    • Gómez-Lobo Echeñique, Andrés; Vargas, Miguel (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2001)
      A comienzos del 2000 concluyeron los procesos de revisión tarifaria de EMOS y ESVALlos primeros desde la privatización de ambas empresas. Como resultado, las tarifas de EMOS aumentaron en promedio un 20% en términos ...
    • Larrañaga Jiménez, Osvaldo (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2001)
      This article studies the household income distribution and its immediate determinants in the chilean economy. The analysis is based in two data sources: the employment survey of University of Chile (1958-2001) and the ...
    • Álvarez Espinoza, Roberto; Crespi, Gustavo; Ramos Quiñones, Joseph (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2002)
      The acquistion of technology through licenses is a potentially important means of accelerating productivity growth, especially in "late starter" developing countries in the throes of "catch up". Yet the literature has ...
    • Paredes Molina, Ricardo; González, María Paz (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2002)
      El cambio en la estructura etárea en Chile se asocia a caídas en la natalidad y al envejecimiento de la población, ambos factores que inciden en forma importante en la oferta laboral. En este trabajo descomponemos la ...
    • Paredes Molina, Ricardo (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2002)
      This paper develops conceptual arguments to analyze RPM from the antitrust viewpoint. Through a general model, we conclude that minimum RPM in general would reduce consumer's price. Consequently, it could harm consumers ...
    • Álvarez Espinoza, Roberto (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2002)
      Este artículo analiza los determinantes del desempeño exportador de las firmas manufactureras chilenas en el período 1990-1996. El principal objetivo es identificar aquellos factores que influencian la permanencia de las ...
    • Larrañaga Jiménez, Osvaldo (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2002)
      Este artículo identifica los problemas en el actual sistema de créditos para la educación superior en Chile, para luego discutir los elementos que debe incluir una reforma en la materia y que posibilite un desarrollo más ...
    • Contreras Guajardo, Dante; Morone, Piergiuseppe (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2002)
      The aim of this paper is to shed some light on the dynamics of the Chilean labour market over the last thirty years or so. We investigate the relations between wage inequality and the level of segregation which characterise ...