The labour effect of a Disability Act. Longitudinal evidence from Chile
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Moyorga Camus, Joaquín
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The labour effect of a Disability Act. Longitudinal evidence from Chile
In February of 2010 a Law on Equal Opportunities and Social Inclusion of Persons with
Disabilities, the Law N. 20.422, was enacted in Chile. One of the aims of this reform was to
improve the labour inclusion for the people from this group, but until now there is still no
evidence that supports the fulfillment of that objective. In that line, by analyzing longitudinal
data from the Chilean Social Protection Survey we find that the Law N. 20.422 had no
significant labour effects in the short term and that it implied mid term negative impacts
on the labour force participation and the employment rate of the working age persons with
disabilities in the country. The latter holds even after controlling for the increasing trend of
individuals receiving disability benefits, for individuals’ unobserved heterogeneity and for the
potential dynamic effects of labour state dependence.
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Serie Documentos de Trabajo, No. 478, pp. 1 - 44, Enero, 2019
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