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Professor Advisordc.contributor.advisorPizarro Konczak, Jaime
Professor Advisordc.contributor.advisorRubio Campos, M. Angelica
Authordc.contributor.authorPizarro Giadach, Paulina Alejandra
Abstractdc.description.abstractEste estudio fue realizado en la laguna Carén (33" 25'S; 70" 50' W) y se orientó principalmente en la caracterización fisicoquímica de la columna de agua, la determinación de la concentración de algunas especies químicas de interés ambiental en la columna de agua y en la interfaz sedimento-agua y en la determinación de flujos difusivos verticales de algunos iones a través de la interfaz sedimento-agua. Durante los meses de mayo a octubre del año 2002, se llevaron a cabo campañas de muestreo de la columna de agua e interfaz sedimento-agua. Solamente en una estación de muestreo de la laguna Carén. Los muestras de agua se recolectaron desde 0 a 3 metros, usando botellas Van Dorn y la caracterización fisicoquímica se llevo a cabo con una sonda multiparamétrica. El resultado señaló que el pH varía entre 7,6 a 8,7,Ia conductividad eléctrica entre 0,69 y 2,34 mS/cm y la concentración de oxígeno disuelto entre 5,4 y 13,6 mg/L. Los análisis químicos realizados en esta agua utilizando métodos espectroscópicos de absorción molecular y absorción atómica UV-Visible, señalaron que los cationes mayoritarios en orden. de concentración decreciente fueron: sodio > magnesio > calcio > potasio y los aniones mayoritarios en orden decreciente fueron: bicarbonato > sulfato > nitrato. Las especies químicas minoritarias fueron: manganeso, hierro, fosfato, sulfuro y amonio. Los perfiles de concentración de estas especies en función de la profundidad y según el tiempo, fueron homogéneos, no presentando grandes variaciones en sus pendientes. Los muestreos de la interfaz sedimento-agua, se llevaron a cabo utilizando la técnica de diálisis. Se determinaron espacialmente algunos iones de interés, tales como: fosfatos, sulfuros, molibdato, manganeso, hierro, zinc, cobre y cadmio. Las técnicas analíticas utilizadas para la determinación de éstas especies fueron espectrofotometría UV-Visible y espectrofotometría de emisión atómica acoplado inductivamente con plasma (ICP). tos perfiles verticales muestran que fosfato y manganeso, presentan un aumento de la concentración con la profundidad. Determinándose flujos difusivos verticales del orden de 26-62 x10-15 mol/cm2 s y 49- 87 x10-15 mol/cm2 s, respectivamente.es_ES
Abstractdc.description.abstractThis study was made in the Carén lagoon (33o 25' S; 70' 50'W) and the main goals were the physicochemical characterization of the water column, the determination of some chemical species of environmental interest in the water colufffr and the interface sediment-water ald the determination of vertical flux diffusive of some ions through interface sediment-water. Throughout the months of May to October 2002, several sampling of the column of water and interface sediment-water were taken. The water samples were gathered from 0 to 3 meters, using Van Dom bottles and the physicochemical characterization was carried out with a multiparametric probe. The resrft pointed out that the pH varies between '7 ,6 and 8,7, conductiüty range is between 0,69 and 2,34 mS/cm and the concentration of dissolved oxygen is between 5,4 aad 13,6 m/L. The chemical analyses carried out in this water using molecular absorption and UV-visible atomic absorption methods, showed that the major cations, in decreasing concentration order, were: sodium > magnesium > calcium > potassium, and the anions were: bicarbonate > sulfate > nitrate. The minoris chemical species were: manganese, iron, phosphate, sulfide and ammonium. The concentration profiles of these species according to the depth and time were homogeneous and did not present any important variation. Interface sediment-water sampling, was carried out using a in-situ dialysis method and some ions, such as: phosphates, sufide, molibdate, manganese, iron, ánc, copper and cadmium were analysed. UV- Visible and ICP (Spectroscopy of atomic
Publisherdc.publisherUniversidad de Chilees_ES
Type of licensedc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
Link to Licensedc.rights.uri*
Keywordsdc.subjectIndustria Químicaes_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectEliminación de desechoses_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectEstudio de especies Químicases_ES
Títulodc.titleEstudio de especies químicas en la Laguna Carén, Santiago (Chile)es_ES
Document typedc.typeTesises_ES
dc.description.versiondc.description.versionVersión original del autores_ES
dcterms.abstractdcterms.abstractThis study was made in the Carén lagoon (33o 25' S; 70' 50'W) and the main goals were the physicochemical characterization of the water column, the determination of some chemical species of environmental interest in the water colufffr and the interface sediment-water ald the determination of vertical flux diffusive of some ions through interface sediment-water. Throughout the months of May to October 2002, several sampling of the column of water and interface sediment-water were taken. The water samples were gathered from 0 to 3 meters, using Van Dom bottles and the physicochemical characterization was carried out with a multiparametric probe. The resrft pointed out that the pH varies between '7 ,6 and 8,7, conductiüty range is between 0,69 and 2,34 mS/cm and the concentration of dissolved oxygen is between 5,4 aad 13,6 m/L. The chemical analyses carried out in this water using molecular absorption and UV-visible atomic absorption methods, showed that the major cations, in decreasing concentration order, were: sodium > magnesium > calcium > potassium, and the anions were: bicarbonate > sulfate > nitrate. The minoris chemical species were: manganese, iron, phosphate, sulfide and ammonium. The concentration profiles of these species according to the depth and time were homogeneous and did not present any important variation. Interface sediment-water sampling, was carried out using a in-situ dialysis method and some ions, such as: phosphates, sufide, molibdate, manganese, iron, ánc, copper and cadmium were analysed. UV- Visible and ICP (Spectroscopy of atomic.
dcterms.abstractdcterms.abstractThis study was made in the Carén lagoon (33o 25' S; 70' 50'W) and the main goals were the physicochemical characterization of the water column, the determination of some chemical species of environmental interest in the water colufffr and the interface sediment-water ald the determination of vertical flux diffusive of some ions through interface sediment-water. Throughout the months of May to October 2002, several sampling of the column of water and interface sediment-water were taken. The water samples were gathered from 0 to 3 meters, using Van Dom bottles and the physicochemical characterization was carried out with a multiparametric probe. The resrft pointed out that the pH varies between '7 ,6 and 8,7, conductiüty range is between 0,69 and 2,34 mS/cm and the concentration of dissolved oxygen is between 5,4 aad 13,6 m/L. The chemical analyses carried out in this water using molecular absorption and UV-visible atomic absorption methods, showed that the major cations, in decreasing concentration order, were: sodium > magnesium > calcium > potassium, and the anions were: bicarbonate > sulfate > nitrate. The minoris chemical species were: manganese, iron, phosphate, sulfide and ammonium. The concentration profiles of these species according to the depth and time were homogeneous and did not present any important variation. Interface sediment-water sampling, was carried out using a in-situ dialysis method and some ions, such as: phosphates, sufide, molibdate, manganese, iron, ánc, copper and cadmium were analysed. UV- Visible and ICP (Spectroscopy of atomic.
dcterms.accessRightsdcterms.accessRightsAcceso abiertoes_ES
Departmentuchile.departamentoEscuela de Pregradoes_ES
Facultyuchile.facultadFacultad de Cienciases_ES
uchile.carrerauchile.carreraQuímica Ambientales_ES
uchile.notadetesisuchile.notadetesisTesis para optar al grado de Licenciado en Química Ambientales_ES

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