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Authordc.contributor.authorMiranda Quintana, Ramón Alain
Authordc.contributor.authorHeidar Zadeh, Farnaz
Authordc.contributor.authorFias, Stijn
Authordc.contributor.authorChapman, Allison E. A.
Authordc.contributor.authorLiu, Shubin
Authordc.contributor.authorMorell, Christophe
Authordc.contributor.authorGómez, Tatiana
Authordc.contributor.authorCárdenas Valencia, Carlos Alberto
Authordc.contributor.authorAyers, Paul W.
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationChem. 10:929464 (2022)es_ES
Abstractdc.description.abstractIn the first paper of this series, the authors derived an expression for the interaction energy between two reagents in terms of the chemical reactivity indicators that can be derived from density functional perturbation theory. While negative interaction energies can explain reactivity, reactivity is often more simply explained using the “|dμ| big is good” rule or the maximum hardness principle. Expressions for the change in chemical potential (μ) and hardness when two reagents interact are derived. A partial justification for the maximum hardness principle is that the terms that appear in the interaction energy expression often reappear in the expression for the interaction hardness, but with opposite sign.es_ES
Patrocinadordc.description.sponsorshipCanada Research Chairs CGIAR Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Compute Canada United States Department of Energy (DOE) DE-SC0001011 Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT) CONICYT FONDECYT 1220366 University of Florida Centers of Excellence Basal-Conicyt Financing FB0807es_ES
Publisherdc.publisherFrontiers Mediaes_ES
Type of licensedc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
Link to Licensedc.rights.uri*
Sourcedc.sourceFrontiers in Chemistryes_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectDFT-density functional theoryes_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectChemical reactivityes_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectHSAB (hard-soft-acid-base) conceptes_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectChemical potentiales_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectVariational principlees_ES
Títulodc.titleMolecular interactions from the density functional theory for chemical reactivity: interaction chemical potential, hardness, and reactivity principleses_ES
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revistaes_ES
dc.description.versiondc.description.versionVersión publicada - versión final del editores_ES
dcterms.accessRightsdcterms.accessRightsAcceso abiertoes_ES
Indexationuchile.indexArtículo de publícación WoSes_ES
Indexationuchile.indexArtículo de publicación SCOPUSes_ES

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