Disk evolution study through imaging of nearby young stars (DESTINYS): a panchromatic view of dO Tau’s complex kilo-astronomical-unit environment

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Huang, Jane
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Disk evolution study through imaging of nearby young stars (DESTINYS): a panchromatic view of dO Tau’s complex kilo-astronomical-unit environment
- Huang, Jane;
- Ginski, Christian;
- Benisty, Myriam;
- Ren, Bin;
- Bohn, Alexander J.;
- Choquet, Élodie;
- Öberg, Karin I.;
- Ribas, Álvaro;
- Bae, Jaehan;
- Bergin, Edwin A.;
- Birnstiel, Til;
- Boehler, Yann;
- Facchini, Stefano;
- Harsono, Daniel;
- Hogerheijde, Michiel;
- Long, Feng;
- Manara, Carlo F.;
- Ménard, Francois;
- Pinilla, Paola;
- Pinte, Christophe;
- Rab, Christian;
- Williams, Jonathan P.;
- Zurlo, Alice;
While protoplanetary disks are often treated as isolated systems in planet formation models, observations increasingly suggest that vigorous interactions between Class II disks and their environments are not rare. DO Tau is a T Tauri star that has previously been hypothesized to have undergone a close encounter with the HV Tau system. As part of the DESTINYS ESO Large Programme, we present new Very Large Telescope (VLT)/SPHERE polarimetric observations of DO Tau and combine them with archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) scattered-light images and Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of CO isotopologues and CS to map a network of complex structures. The SPHERE and ALMA observations show that the circumstellar disk is connected to arms extending out to several hundred astronomical units. HST and ALMA also reveal stream-like structures northeast of DO Tau, some of which are at least several thousand astronomical units long. These streams appear not to be gravitationally bound to DO Tau, and comparisons with previous Herschel far-IR observations suggest that the streams are part of a bridge-like structure connecting DO Tau and HV Tau. We also detect a fainter redshifted counterpart to a previously known blueshifted CO outflow. While some of DO Tau's complex structures could be attributed to a recent disk-disk encounter, they might be explained alternatively by interactions with remnant material from the star formation process. These panchromatic observations of DO Tau highlight the need to contextualize the evolution of Class II disks by examining processes occurring over a wide range of size scales.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
National Science Foundation (NSF)
United States Department of Energy (DOE)
University of Arizona
Brazilian Participation Group
United States Department of Energy (DOE)
Carnegie Mellon University
University of Florida
French Participation Group
German Participation Group
Harvard University
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
Michigan State/Notre Dame/JINA Participation Group
Johns Hopkins University
United States Department of Energy (DOE)
Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
New Mexico State University
New York University
Ohio State University
Pennsylvania State University
University of Portsmouth
Princeton University
Spanish Participation Group
University of Tokyo
University of Utah
Vanderbilt University
University of Virginia
University of Washington
Yale University
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) HST-AR-12652
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) ANR10 LABX56
Space Telescope Science Institute
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) HST-HF2-51460.001-A
European Research Council (ERC) 101002188
German Research Foundation (DFG) 361140270
Germany's Excellence Strategy EXC-2094-390783311
Ministry of Education, Taiwan 110J0353I9
Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT)
Max Planck Society
Foundation CELLEX
European Union (EU) 823823
European Southern Observatory 0104.C-0850(A)
European Research Council (ERC)
Spanish Government 101002188
Artículo de publícación WoS
Quote Item
The Astrophysical Journal, 930:171 (28pp), 2022
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