Browsing by Author "201-0010571"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Bollo Dragnic, Soledad; Yáñez Soto, Claudia; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Núñez Vergara, Luis; Squella Serrano, Juan (AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2003-04-15)Potassium ferricyanide ([Fe(CN)(6)](3-)) reduction and ferrocenemethanol (Fe-OH) oxidation at a beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD)-modified gold electrode were investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and scanning electrochemical ...
Bollo Dragnic, Soledad; Finger Caraccioli, Sebastián; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Núñez Vergara, Luis; Squella Serrano, Juan (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER, 2007-04-20)The heterogeneous electron transfer reaction for the reduction of some nitroso aromatic derivatives in aqueous-alcoholic medium was studied on both mercury and glassy carbon electrodes (GCE) by using cyclic voltammetry ...
Escudey, Mauricio; Ibañez, María; Sturm Schaub, Juan (Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Dirección de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas, 1983)Se estudia el comportamiento polarográfico de pesticidas organofosforados (Paratión y Dimetoato) y de pesticidas organoclorados (DDt, Aldrín y Dieldrin), estableciéndose para cada uno de ellos las condiciones óptimas de ...
Mozo, J. D.; Carbajo, J.; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Núñez Vergara, Luis; Salgado, P.; Squella Serrano, Juan (Wiley, 2012)A new, sensitive, reproducible and easy-to-use flow-injection method for determining nifuroxazide based on adsorptive stripping linear sweep voltammetry over screen-printed carbon electrodes is presented. The presented ...
Núñez Vergara, Luis; Santander Gutiérrez, Ingrid Paola; Navarrete Encina, Patricio; Valenzuela Pedevila, Jorge; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Squella Serrano, Juan (ELECTROCHEMICAL SOC, 2006)The present paper deals with the electrochemical and electron spin resonance (ESR) characterization of a number of nitroso phenyl 1,4-dihydropyridines in aprotic media on a hanging drop mercury electrode (HDME). The ...
Núñez Vergara, Luis; Bollo Dragnic, Soledad; Fuentealba Arcos, Jorge Patricio; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Squella Serrano, Juan (KLUWER ACADEMIC/PLENUM PUBL, 2002-04)Purpose. To characterize the electrochemical behavior of the photodegradation product of nifedipine, i.e., 2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrosophenyl)-3,5-pyridine-carboxylic acid dimethyl ester (NPD) in different electrolytic media. ...
Núñez Vergara, Luis; Bontá, M.; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Navarrete Encina, Patricio; Bollo Dragnic, Soledad; Squella Serrano, Juan (ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2001-06-15)A comprehensive study of the electrochemical reduction, in different electrolytic media, of two nitroso compounds, i.e. ortho- and meta-nitrosotoluene derivatives has been carried out. Furthermore, UV-vis and EPR spectroscopic ...
Squella Serrano, Juan; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Weiss López, Boris; Bontá, M.; Núñez Vergara, Luis (ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 1999-05-14)The electrochemical reduction of a series of beta-nitrostyrene and beta-methyl-beta-nitrostyrene derivatives: by tast and differential pulse polarography and cyclic voltammetry over a wide pH range was studied. The reduction ...
Núñez Vergara, Luis; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Olea Azar, Claudio; Navarrete Encina, Patricio; Bollo Dragnic, Soledad; Squella Serrano, Juan (HARWOOD ACAD PUBL GMBH, 2000)This paper deals with the reactivity of the nitro radical anion electrochemically generated from nitrofurantoin with glutathione. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and controlled potential electrolysis were used to generate the nitro ...
Álvarez Lueje, Alejandro; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Núñez Vergara, Luis; Squella Serrano, Juan (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2002-06-01)The development of a new HPLC-UV diode array procedure applied to follow the hydrolytic degradation of two well-known 4-nitrophenyl-1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives, nitrendipine and nisoldipine is reported. Hydrolysis of ...
Álvarez Lueje, Alejandro; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Squella Serrano, Juan; Núñez Vergara, Luis (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2002-06-01)The development of a new HPLC-UV diode array procedure applied to follow the hydrolytic degradation of two well-known 4-nitrophenyl-1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives, nitrendipine and nisoldipine is reported. Hydrolysis of ...
Núñez Vergara, Luis; Squella Serrano, Juan; Olea Azar, Claudio; Bollo Dragnic, Soledad; Navarrete Encina, Patricio; Sturm Schaub, Juan (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2000)This paper reports both the electrochemical characterization and the reactivity of the nitroso radical anion from nitrosobenzene with glutathione. The reduction of nitrosobenzene to the corresponding nitroso radical anion ...
A selective voltammetric method to follow the hydrolytic degradation of nitrendipine and nisoldipine Álvarez Lueje, Alejandro; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Núñez Vergara, Luis; Squella Serrano, Juan (WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 2001-12)The development and application of a differential pulse voltammetric procedure for the hydrolytic degradation kinetic study of two well-known 1,4-dihydropyridine type drugs, nitrendipine and nisoldipine are presented. The ...
Núñez Vergara, Luis; Squella Serrano, Juan; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Báez Guerrero, Hernán; Camargo Grandón, Rodrigo (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2001-12)A gas chroma tographic-mass spectrometric (GC-MS) method for the qualitative and quantitative determination of melatonin plus pyridoxine commercial tablets is described. Melatonin and pyridoxine were simultaneously determined ...
Sturm Schaub, Juan; Núñez Vergara, Luis; Fuente, J. de la; Castro, C.; Navarrete Encina, Patricio; Squella Serrano, Juan (ELECTROCHEMICAL SOC INC, 2001-10)We have synthesized three nitrocompounds in order to mimic the model structure of some relevant drugs such as nifedipine, nitrendipine, nisoldipine, nimodipine, and related ones, in order to investigate the effect of ...
Voltammetric behaviour of clonixin and its differential pulse polarographic determination in tablets Álvarez Lueje, Alejandro; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Núñez Vergara, Luis; Carbajo, J.; Squella Serrano, Juan (MARCEL DEKKER INC, 2000)Clonixin, a non-steroid analgesic, can be both reduced at the mercury electrode and oxidised at the glassy carbon electrode. The anodic response shows well-defined waves in a pH range between pH 2-12. The polarographic ...
Santander Gutiérrez, Ingrid Paola; Núñez Vergara, Luis; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Squella Serrano, Juan (SOCIEDAD CHILENA DE QUIMICA, 2001-06)Melatonin and Vitamin B6 can be oxidized at the glassy carbon electrode showing well-resolved anodic peaks by differential pulse voltammetry. Vitamin B6 shows an oxidation peak potential of about 650 mV vs Ag/AgCl in ammonia ...
Argüello da Silva, Jacqueline; Núñez Vergara, Luis; Sturm Schaub, Juan; Squella Serrano, Juan (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2004-10-30)A detailed study was done of the electrochemical oxidation of some 1,4-dihydropyridine (1,4-DHP) derivatives in order to determine the influence of the substituents in the heterocyclic ring. Two types of derivatives were ...