Browsing by Author "201-0532666"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Aguilera Olivares, Daniel; Burgos Lefimil, Camila; Meléndez, Wara; Flores Prado, Luis (2016)Nestmate recognition is a necessary capacity for the occurrence of discrimination between nestmate and non-nestmate individuals. In one-piece nesting termites, which nest and forage in a single piece of wood, nestmate ...
Vega Retter, Caren; Muñoz Rojas, Pablo; Rojas Hernández, Noemí; Copaja Castillo, Sylvia; Flores Prado, Luis; Véliz Baeza, David (Wiley, 2020)The presence of a dam disturbs river flow, which in turn directly affects the communities and evolutionary potential of riverine species. To detect the ecological effects of a dam on genetic diversity, genetic structure, ...
Pinto, Carlos F.; Torrico Bazoberry, Daniel; Flores Prado, Luis; Bustamante Araya, Ramiro; Niemeyer, Hermann M. (Elsevier, 2020)The mechanisms which promote divergence in populations of phytophagous insects using alternative hosts depend on the characterization of hosts as different selective scenarios and the modeling of the demographic dynamics ...
Torrico Bazoberry, Daniel; Pinto, Carlos F.; Flores Prado, Luis; Fonturbel, Francisco; Niemeyer Marich, August (Springer, 2016)The pronotum is the most distinctive and representative structure in treehoppers. Although several functions have been proposed for this structure, its involvement in fitness has not been formally evaluated. Given the high ...
Flores Prado, Luis; Aguilera Olivares, Daniel; Niemeyer Marich, August (ROYAL SOC, 2007-11-01)In eusocial Hymenoptera, females are more tolerant towards nest-mate than towards non-nest-mate females. In solitary Hymenoptera, females are generally aggressive towards any conspecific female. Field observations of the ...
Aguilera Olivares, Ledda Ivonne; Rizo, Jose F.; Burgos Lefimil, Camila; Flores Prado, Luis; Niemeyer Marich, August (Soc. Biolgia Chile, 2016)Background: In one-piece nesting termites, which nest and forage in a single piece of wood, soldier production increases during the swarming period, i.e. when the risk of invasion of their substrate and hence of their ...
Flores Prado, Luis; Flores Carrasco, Sergio; McAllister, Bryant (2010-07)The subfamily Xylocopinae has been recognized as the most basal lineage within the family Apidae, comprising four tribes; Allodapini, Ceratinini, Xylocopini and Manueliini. Relationships among the tribes are not well ...
Flores Carrasco, Sergio; Flores Prado, Luis; McAllister, Bryant (ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2010-10)The subfamily Xylocopinae has been recognized as the most basal lineage within the family Apidae, comprising four tribes; Allodapini, Ceratinini, Xylocopini and Manueliini. Relationships among the tribes are not well ...
Pinto, Carlos F.; Salinas, Silvia; Flores Prado, Luis; Echeverría, Javier; Niemeyer Marich, August (Pergamon-Elsevier, 2016)Treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae) are sap-feeding insects distributed mainly in tropical regions. Alchisme grossa is a treehopper that has been reported in the Bolivian Yungas forests using mostly Brugmansia suaveolens ...