Nest-mate recognition in Manuelia postica (Apidae : Xylocopinae): an eusocial trait is present in a solitary bee

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Flores Prado, Luis
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Nest-mate recognition in Manuelia postica (Apidae : Xylocopinae): an eusocial trait is present in a solitary bee
In eusocial Hymenoptera, females are more tolerant towards nest-mate than towards non-nest-mate
females. In solitary Hymenoptera, females are generally aggressive towards any conspecific female. Field
observations of the nest biology of Manuelia postica suggested nest-mate recognition. Experiments were
performed involving two live interacting females or one live female interacting with a dead female. Live
females from different nests were more intolerant to each other than females from the same nest. Females
were more intolerant towards non-nest-mate than towards nest-mate dead females. When dead females
were washed with pentane, no differences in tolerant and intolerant behaviours were detected between
non-nest-mate and nest-mate females. Females were more intolerant towards nest-mate female carcasses
coated with the cuticular extract from a non-nest-mate than towards non-nest-mate female carcasses
coated with the cuticular extract from a nest-mate. The compositions of the cuticular extracts was more
similar between females from the same nest than between females from different nests. The results
demonstrate for the first time nest-mate recognition mediated by cuticular chemicals in a largely solitary
species of Apidae. The position of Manuelia at the base of the Apidae phylogeny suggests that nest-mate
recognition in eusocial species apical to Manuelia represents the retention of a primitive capacity in Apidae.
This research was
supported by a grant from the International Foundation
for Science (B/3916-1) to L.F.-P.
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PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Volume: 275, Issue: 1632, Pages: 285-291, 2008