Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Gildemeister, Martin; Jara, J. Joaquín; Lagos, Gustavo; Marquardt, Carlos; Espinoza, Felipe (Elsevier, 2018)
      This article presents the first attempt to evaluate the direct economic return of the provision of public geoscience information in Chile. To achieve this goal the study uses multiplier effect ratios through the value ...
    • Espinoza, Felipe; Morata Céspedes, Diego; Polvé, Mireille; Lagabrielle, Yves; Maury, René C.; de la Rupelle, Aude; Guivel, Christèle; Cotten, Joseph; Bellon, Hervé; Suárez, Manuel (Servicio Nacional de Geologia y Mineria, 2010)
      We present a chronological (K-Ar), petrologic and geochemical study (major and trace elements, Sr- Nd isotopes) of Middle Miocene (ca. 16-14 Ma) calc-alkaline rocks (basalts to andesites) extruded in the present-day back-arc ...
    • Bachmann, Ivana; Espinoza, Felipe (CEUR-WS, 2018)
      Given the importance of the Internet network in our society, it is relevant to understand its behaviour under adverse scenarios. The In-ternet can be studied through different an-gles: by studying the Border Gateway Pro-tocol ...
    • Abu-Arja, Mohammad H.; Rojas del Río, Nicolás; Morales la Madrid, Andrés; Lassaletta, Álvaro; Moreno, Rosita; Valero, Miguel; Pérez, Verónica; Espinoza, Felipe; Fernández, Eduardo; Díaz, José; Santander, José; Tordecilla, Juan; Oyarce, Verónica; Kopp, Katherine; Bartels, Ute; Qaddoumi, Ibrahim; Finlay, Jonathan L.; Cáceres, Adrián; Espinoza, Ximena; Osorio, Diana S. (Oxford University Press, 2020)