Modelling the interactions between the Internet backbone and the BGP network
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Bachmann, Ivana
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Modelling the interactions between the Internet backbone and the BGP network
Given the importance of the Internet network in our society, it is relevant to understand its behaviour under adverse scenarios. The In-ternet can be studied through different an-gles: by studying the Border Gateway Pro-tocol (BGP) network, the Internet Backbone, the complete physical network, etc. However, these networks do not exist in isolation, but rather interact with one another (see figure 1). Furthermore, the robustness behaviour of interacting networks is different compared to their single network counterpart. In particu-lar, it has been shown that networks can be more fragile when coupled [BPP+10]. Indeed, the single network approach to study the In-ternet's behaviour has been criticized in the past by Willinger et al. [WR13] as it does not capture the whole behaviour of it. Thus, to properly study the Internet we should model it as an interdependent network system.
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CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volumen 2178, 2018.