Browsing by Author "XX632977"
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
Sánchez, Gina; Berrios, Daniela; Olmedo, Ivonne; Pezoa, Javier; Riquelme, Jaime A.; Montecinos, Luis; Pedrozo Cibils, Zully; Donoso Laurent, Paulina (Public Library Science, 2016)Inhibitors of the ubiquitin-proteasome system improve hemodynamic parameters and decrease the infarct size after ischemia reperfusion. The molecular basis of this protection is not fully understood since most available ...
Ferrero, Paola; Said, Matilde; Sánchez, Gina; Vittone, Leticia; Valverde, Carlos; Donoso Laurent, Paulina; Mattiazzi, Alicia; Mundiña-Weilenmann, Cecilia (2007)We aimed to define the relative contribution of both PKA and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) cascades to the phosphorylation of RyR2 and the activity of the channel during β-adrenergic receptor (βAR) ...
Kamp, Frits; Donoso Laurent, Paulina; Hidalgo Tapia, María Cecilia (Biophysical Society, 1998)Fast (milliseconds) Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum is an essential step in muscle contraction. To electrically compensate the charge deficit generated by calcium release, concomitant fluxes of other ions are ...
Hidalgo Tapia, María Cecilia; Donoso Laurent, Paulina (2008)Studies done many years ago established unequivocally the key role of calcium as a universal second messenger. In contrast, the second messenger roles of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species have emerged only recently. ...
Alvarado Osorio, Agustín Patricio (Universidad de Chile, 2008)El RS es el compartimiento intracelular responsable de la regulación del Ca+2 en las células cardíacas de los mamíferos. En él se ubican las proteínas RyR2, SERCA2a y PLB, responsables de la regulación de la salida y ...
Domenech Lira, Raúl; Sánchez, Gina; Donoso Laurent, Paulina; Parra Morales, Víctor; Macho Fisher, Pilar (ACADEMIC PRESS LTD ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2003-12)We have previously demonstrated that brief episodes of tachycardia prior to a prolonged occlusion of a coronary artery, followed by reperfusion, substantially reduce the infarct size. Adenosine receptors and mitochondrial ...
Sánchez, Gina; Escobar, Matías; Pedrozo Cibils, Zully; Macho Fisher, Pilar; Domenech Lira, Raúl; Härtel, Steffen; Hidalgo Tapia, María Cecilia; Donoso Laurent, Paulina (2008)Aim: Our objective was to investigate in cardiac muscle the contribution of NADPH oxidase to (a) ryanodine receptor-2 (RyR2) S-glutathionylation and (b) the preconditioning effects of exercise and tachycardia on infarct ...
Sánchez, Gina; Araneda, Felipe; Peña, Juan Pedro; Finkelstein, José Pablo; Riquelme, Jaime A.; Montecinos, Luis; Barrientos Briones, Genaro; Llanos Vidal, Paola; Pedrozo Cibils, Zully; Said, Matilde; Bull Simpfendorfer, Ricardo; Donoso Laurent, Paulina (MDPI, 2018)Ventricular arrhythmias are a common cause of sudden cardiac death, and their occurrence is higher in obese subjects. Abnormal gating of ryanodine receptors (RyR2), the calcium release channels of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, ...
Sánchez Vergara, Gina; Chalmers, Stefanie; Ahumada, Xavier; Montecinos, Luis; Olmedo Alegría, Ivonne Odette; Eisner, Verónica; Riveros, Ana; Kogan, Marcelo J.; Lavandero González, Sergio; Pedrozo Cibils, Zully; Donoso Laurent, Paulina (Public Library Science, 2020)The heart is critically dependent on mitochondrial respiration for energy supply. Ischemia decreases oxygen availability, with catastrophic consequences for cellular energy systems. After a few minutes of ischemia, the ...
Olmedo Alegría, Ivonne; Pino Tapia, Gonzalo; Riquelme Meléndez, Jaime; Aranguiz, Pablo; Díaz, Magda C.; López Crisosto, Camila; Lavandero González, Sergio; Donoso Laurent, Paulina; Pedrozo Cibils, Zully; Sánchez Vergara, Gina (Elsevier, 2020)Cardiomyocyte loss is the main cause of myocardial dysfunction following an ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury. Mitochondrial dysfunction and altered mitochondrial network dynamics play central roles in cardiomyocyte death. ...
Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique; Donoso Laurent, Paulina; Liberona Leppe, José; Hidalgo Tapia, María Cecilia (Elsevier, 1986)The presence of four cation pathways in membrane vesicles isolated from transverse tubules of frog and rabbit skeletal muscle was studied by measuring binding of specific blockers. Transverse tubules purified from frog ...
Sánchez, Gina; Hidalgo Tapia, María Cecilia; Donoso Laurent, Paulina (Biophysical Society, 2003)Fast Ca2+ release kinetics were measured in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles actively loaded with Ca2+. Release was induced in solutions containing 1.2 mM free ATP and variable free [Ca2+] and [Mg2+]. Release rate ...
Donoso Laurent, Paulina; Beltrán, Marianela; Hidalgo Tapia, María Cecilia (1996)Calcium binding to triads isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle followed a single hyperbolic function in the pH range 5.5-8.0. Maximal binding was obtained at pH 8.0; decreasing the pH decreased the binding capacity and, ...
Sánchez, Gina; Fernández, Carolina; Montecinos, Luis; Domenech Lira, Raúl; Donoso Laurent, Paulina (2011)Cardioprotection by preconditioning is a central issue of current research on heart function. Several reports indicate that preventing the assembly and opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) ...
Hidalgo Tapia, María Cecilia; Donoso Laurent, Paulina; Rodriguez, Patricio H. (Biophysical Society, 1996)Calsequestrin, a high-capacity, intermediate-affinity, calcium-binding protein present in the lumen of sarcoplasmic reticulum, undergoes extensive calcium-induced conformational changes at neutral pH that cause distinct ...
Rapid kinetic studies of SH oxidation-induced calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles Donoso Laurent, Paulina; Rodríguez, Patricia; Marambio, Paola (Academic Press Inc., 1997)We studied the kinetics of calcium release induced by SH oxidation in triads isolated from frog and rabbit skeletal muscle by measuring calcium fluxes by a fast filtration method. In both species SH oxidation induced release ...
Hidalgo Tapia, María Cecilia; Aracena, Paula; Sánchez, Gina; Donoso Laurent, Paulina (Society of Biology of Chile, 2002)In skeletal and cardiac muscle cells, specific isoforms of the Ryanodine receptor channels mediate Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. These channels are highly susceptible to redox modifications, which regulate ...
Becerra, Romina; Román, Bárbara; Di Carlo, Mariano; Mariangelo, Juan Ignacio; Salas, Margarita; Sánchez, Gina; Donoso Laurent, Paulina; Schinella, Guillermo; Vittone, Leticia; Wehrens, Xander; Mundiña Weilenmann, Cecilia; Said, Matilde (American Physiological Society, 2016)Previous results from our laboratory showed that phosphorylation of ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2) by Ca2+ calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) was a critical but not the unique event responsible for the production of ...
Aracena Parks, Paula; Sánchez, Gina; Donoso Laurent, Paulina; Hamilton, Susan L.; Hidalgo Tapia, María Cecilia (AMER SOC BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC, 2003-10-31)We have analyzed the effects of the endogenous redoxactive agents S-nitrosoglutathione and glutathione disulfide, and the NO donor NOR-3, on calcium release kinetics mediated by ryanodine receptor channels. Incubation of ...
Hidalgo Tapia, María Cecilia; Bull Simpfendorfer, Ricardo; Marengo, Juan J.; Perez, Claudio F.; Donoso Laurent, Paulina (Society of Biology of Chile, 2000)The effects of redox reagents on the activity of the intracellular calcium release channels (ryanodine receptors) of skeletal and cardiac muscle, or brain cortex neurons, was examined. In lipid bilayer experiments, oxidizing ...