Browsing by Author "XX677003"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Borodin, Alexei; Corwin, Iván; Remenik Zisis, Daniel (National Academic Sciences Ukraine, 2015)We demonstrate how a known Whittaker function integral identity arises from the t = 0 and q -> 1 limit of the Macdonald polynomial eigenrelation satisfied by Noumi's q-integral operator.
Fredes Carrasco, Luis Maximiliano (Universidad de Chile, 2015)En el presente trabajo se estudian dos sistemas de partículas asumiendo ciertas hipótesis que permiten el cálculo explícito de algunas expresiones. El primer sistema en estudio surge del modelo del votante (VM) y del ...
Sepúlveda Donoso, Leonardo Avelio (Universidad de Chile, 2013)La velocidad de estabilización de un sistema aleatorio es un problema que ha sido abordado tanto en Física como en Matemáticas. El objetivo de la presente memoria es entender, desde un punto de vista trayectorial, algunas ...
Tapia Muñoz, Nikolas Esteban (Universidad de Chile, 2014)En la presente memoria se estudia la convergencia al equilibrio de los procesos estocásticos pertenecientes a la clase Incremento Aditivo Decremento Multiplicativo (AIMD, por sus siglas en inglés), enmarcada en el contexto ...
Durrett, Rick; Remenik Zisis, Daniel (Springer, 2012)The problem of how often to disperse in a randomly fluctuating environment has long been investigated, primarily using patch models with uniform dispersal. Here, we consider the problem of choice of seed size for plants ...
Ortmann, Janosch; Quastel, Jeremy; Remenik Zisis, Daniel (Institute of Mathematical Statistics,, 2016)We obtain exact formulas for moments and generating functions of the height function of the asymmetric simple exclusion process at one spatial point, starting from special initial data in which every positive even site is ...
Quastel, Jeremy; Remenik Zisis, Daniel (Springer, 2013)We obtain a formula for the n-dimensional distributions of the Airy process in terms of a Fredholm determinant on L2(R), as opposed to the standard formula which involves extended kernels, on L2({1, . . . , n} × R). The ...
Borodin, Alexei; Corwin, Ivan; Remenik Zisis, Daniel (Springer, 2013)We prove that under n1/3 scaling, the limiting distribution as n → ∞of the free energy of Seppäläinen’s log-Gamma discrete directed polymer is GUE Tracy- Widom. The main technical innovation we provide is a general ...
Pécou, Elisabeth; Maass Sepúlveda, Alejandro; Remenik Zisis, Daniel; Briche, Julien; González Canales, Mauricio (ELSEVIER, 2006-10)Copper is an essential micronutrient for life. It is required by a wide range of species, from bacteria to yeast, plants and mammals including humans. To prevent the consequences of the excess or deficit of copper, living ...
Nica, Mihai; Quastel, Jeremy; Remenik Zisis, Daniel (Cambridge Univ., 2020)We consider the system of one-sided reflected Brownian motions that is in variational duality with Brownian last passage percolation. We show that it has integrable transition probabilities, expressed in terms of Hermite ...
Urrutia Espindola, Javiera Francisca (Universidad de Chile, 2013)La presente memoria tiene como objetivo el estudio del problema de reconstrucción de redes en sistemas distribuidos que utilizan mensajes pequeños. Esto resulta de gran interés en la actualidad debido a la existencia de ...
Cortez Milán, Roberto Amaru (Universidad de Chile, 2015)En la mecánica estadística, la ecuación de Boltzmann espacialmente homogénea (en honor de Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann, quien introdujo la primera versión en 1872) describe a nivel macroscópico la evolución temporal de la ...
Corwin, Iván; Quastel, Jeremy; Remenik Zisis, Daniel (Springer, 2015)The one dimensional Kardar–Parisi–Zhang universality class is believed to describe many types of evolving interfaces which have the same characteristic scaling exponents. These exponents lead to a natural renormalizati ...
Moisset de Espanes, Pablo; Rapaport Zimermann, Iván; Remenik Zisis, Daniel; Urrutia, Javiera (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016)In the broadcast version of the congested clique model, n nodes communicate in synchronous rounds by writing O(log n)-bit messages on a whiteboard, which is visible to all of them. The joint input to the nodes is an ...
Nica, Mihai; Quastel, Jeremy; Remenik Zisis, Daniel (Institute of Mathematical Statistics, USA, 2020)We provide a direct and elementary proof that the formula obtained in (Matetski, Quastel and Remenik (2016)) for the TASEP transition probabilities for general (one-sided) initial data solves the Kolmogorov backward equation. ...
Quastel, Jeremy; Remenik Zisis, Daniel (Springer, 2013)Let A2(t) be the Airy2 process. We show that the random variable sup t≤α A2(t) −t 2 +min{0,α}2 has the same distribution as the one-point marginal of the Airy2→1 process at time α. These marginals form a family of ...
Quastel, Jeremy; Remenik Zisis, Daniel (Inst Mathematical Statistics, 2015)We prove that the random variable T = argmaxt∈R{A2(t)−t2}, where A2 is the Airy2 process, has tails which decay like e−ct3 . The distribution of T is a universal distribution which governs the rescaled endpoint of directed ...
Linker, Amitai; Remenik Zisis, Daniel (Universidad de Washington, 2020)We study the contact process running in the one-dimensional lattice undergoing dynamical percolation, where edges open at rate vp and close at rate v(1-p). Our goal is to explore how the speed of the environment, v, affects ...
Linker Groisman, Amitai Samuel (Universidad de Chile, 2014)n la presente memoria se estudian las distribuciones cuasi-estacionarias (q.s.d.) de un proceso \hat{Y} de nacimiento y muerte a tiempo continuo. Este proceso es absorbido al alcanzar una cantidad determinada de individuos, ...