Now showing items 52214-52233 of 92768

    • Manieu, Catalina; Olivares, Gonzalo H.; Vega-Macaya, Franco; Valdivia, Mauricio; Olguín, Patricio (Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2018)
      © 2018 Elsevier B.V. During musculoskeletal system development, mechanical tension is generated between muscles and tendon-cells. This tension is required for muscle differentiation and is counterbalanced by tendon-cells ...
    • Santibáñez, Juan Francisco (ELSEVIER, 2006-10-02)
      In this study we analyzed the role of the c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK) pathway in the TGF-beta 1 stimulation of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), initial stages of epithelial-mesenchymal transdifferentiation ...
    • Melero Fuentes, Javiera Scarlette (Universidad de Chile, 2021)
      El caso de Joane Florvil fue el producto de una falla institucional conjunta y consecutiva. La falta de protocolos o el nulo cumplimiento por parte de los funcionarios involucrados terminaron por quitarle la vida a una ...
    • Morales Toro, Leonidas (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, 2009-04)
      Si bien el objeto central del artículo es la crítica a la vida cotidiana chilena en Joaquín Edwards Bello, en su primera parte se detiene en algunos aspectos importantes del género en que la crítica se da, la crónica ...
    • García Cifuentes, Rosario; Sánchez Arroyo, María Francisca (Universidad de Chile, 2015-03)
      El job crafting, enmarcado en el Modelo de Demandas y Recursos Laborales, alude a aquellos cambios que realizan las personas en sus puestos de trabajo para alinear sus demandas y recursos laborales con sus propias necesidades ...
    • Landerretche Moreno, Óscar (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2007)
      This paper is devoted to the construction of the panel and econometric use of the first labor panel database to study workplace creation and destruction in Chile. For local interest, the main feature of the paper is that ...
    • Pagés, Carmen; Montenegro, Claudio E. (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2007-12)
      This paper develops and tests a mechanism by which job security affects the age-composition of employment. This mechanism is based on the relative costs of dismissing young versus older workers resulting from job security ...
    • Díaz, Karla; Castillo, Arturo (Universidad de Chile, 2018-04-28)
      Los reportes del INEC en Panamá muestran que hasta marzo del 2017, el 72% de las personas desempleadas en Panamá indicaron que se movilizaban hacia las oficinas de empresas en busca de trabajo1,lo que quiere decir que ...
    • Piwonka Figueroa, Gonzalo (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, 2009)
      En la época de comienzos de la República son numerosos los viajeros de habla inglesa que han dejado su testimonio de estas tierras y gentes. La gran mayoría de ellos han sido traducidos al castellano. Sin embargo, uno ...
    • Aguayo Westwood, Pablo (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2020)
      In this paper, I argue that in the context of the redistribution-recognition debate, Rawls developed a theory of justice that exceeds the margins of allocative justice and has good arguments to deal with demands of social ...
    • Morales Bravo, Oscar Francisco (Universidad de Chile, 2022)
      Tras 51 años de la publicación de A Theory of Justice, podemos decir con seguridad que este trabajo se ha convertido en un verdadero clásico de la filosofía política. No tan solo por revivir una discusión que aparentemente ...
    • Bodden, Eric; Tanter, Éric Pierre; Inostroza, Víctor (ACM, 2014)
      In current aspect-oriented systems, aspects usually carry, through their pointcuts, explicit references to the base code. Those references are fragile and hinder important software engineering properties such as modular ...
    • Jeanneret Brith, Francisco J.; Reyes Andreani, María José; Cruz Contreras, María A.; Castillo Vega, César; Jeanneret Brith, Juan E.; Pavez Pérez, Juan; Badilla Rajevic, Manuela (Wiley, 2020)
      In Latin America, one of the key tasks of Community and Liberation Psychology has been to recover the memories of marginalized and excluded communities that have experienced multiple pasts marked by political violence. In ...
    • Rodrigo Salinas, Ramon; Prieto Domínguez, Juan Carlos; Aguayo, Rubén; Ramos Gómez, Cristóbal; Puentes, Ángel; Gajardo Cortez, Abraham Isaac Jacob; Panieri, Emiliano; Rojas Solé, Catalina; Lillo Moya, José Ignacio; Saso, Luciano (MDPI, 2021)
      Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has long remained the gold standard therapy to restore coronary blood flow after acute myocardial infarction (AMI). However, this procedure leads to the development of increased ...
    • Cruz Montecinos, Carlos; Rivera Lillo, Gonzalo; Burgos Concha, Pablo; Torres Elgueta, Julio; Pérez Alenda, S.; Querol, F. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016)
    • Quiñones Sepúlveda, Luis; Irarrázabal, Carlos E.; Rojas, Claudio R.; Orellana, Cristián E.; Acevedo Castillo, Cristián; Huidobro Alvarado, Christian; Varela, Nelson E.; Cáceres Lillo, Dante (BLACKWELL, 2006-05)
      Aim: To assess the role of several genetic factors in combination with an environmental factor as modulators of prostate cancer risk. We focus on allele variants of low-penetrance genes associated with cell control, the ...
    • Baeza-Velasco, C.; Gély-Nargeot, M. C.; Vilarrasa, A. Bulbena; Bravo, J. F. (2011)
      Joint hypermobility syndrome (JHS), also known as Ehlers-Danlos III, is an inherited disorder of connective tissue, characterised by an exceptional increase in the joint's mobility and the presence of musculoskeletal and ...
    • Escalona, P.; Ordóñez Pizarro, Fernando; Marianov, V. (Elsevier, 2015)
      This paper analyzes the design of a distribution network for fast-moving items able to provide differentiated service levels in terms of product availability for two demand classes (high and low priority) using a critical ...
    • Wang, Xinyu; Jia, Min; Guo, Qing; Ho, Ivan Wang Hei; Wu, Jinsong (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019)
      In this paper, we investigate a joint resource allocation problem based on cognitive radio (CR) techniques for user equipment with multi-homing capabilities. We consider a heterogeneous wireless medium where users in ...