Now showing items 9621-9640 of 94348

    • Oleinika, Kristine; Slisere, Baiba; Catalán Martina, Diego Francisco; Rosser, Elizabeth C. (Oxford University Press, 2022)
      Obesity increases the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, fatty liver disease, and cancer. It is also linked with more severe complications from infections, including COVID-19, and poor vaccine ...
    • Catalán Martina, Diego; Aravena, Octavio; Sabugo, Francisca; Wurmann, Pamela; Soto, Lilian; Kalergis, Alexis M.; Cuchacovich Turteltaub, Miguel; Aguillón Gutiérrez, Juan Carlos (2010)
      Introduction: Several molecules help preserve peripheral B cell tolerance, but when altered, they may predispose to autoimmunity. This work studied the expression of the costimulatory molecule CD86 and the inhibitory ...
    • Palma Quilodrán, Gonzalo; Soto, Alex (Amer Physical Soc, 2015)
      It was recently shown that a large value of the tensor to scalar ratio r implies a constraint on the minimum value of the sound speed c(s) of primordial curvature perturbations during inflation that is stronger than current ...
    • Bonomo, Flavia; Schaudt, Oliver; Stein, Maya; Valencia Pabón, Mario (Springer, 2015)
      A b-coloring of a graph is a proper coloring such that every color class contains a vertex that is adjacent to all other color classes. The b-chromatic number of a graph , denoted by , is the maximum number such that admits ...
    • Valenzuela, C.; Elgueta, E.; Thambo Becker, Sergio; Avendaño, P.; Cotera, A.; Fuentes, C.; Santa Maria, L.; Wegmann, M. E.; Neira, L. (1990)
      Linkage imbalance for the B and DR loci (HLA) was found in a Chilean sample of families where a member had been proposed for transplantation. The B7-DR2 and B14-DR1 haplotypes were significantly more frequent than expected. ...
    • Garrido Orrego, Ruth María Beatriz (Universidad de ChilePrograma Cybertesis, 2009)
    • B-TRIALS 
      Cuevas Arriagada, Ricardo Enrique; Páez Bustos, Neil William (Universidad de Chile, 2017-05)
      El presente trabajo desarrolla una idea de negocio llamada B-Trials, cuyo origen surge a partir de una necesidad específica en la ejecución de Estudios Clínicos de la Industria Farmacéutica local, que corresponde al ...
    • Di Cataldo, Sophia; Ulloa Contreras, Claudia; Cevidanes, Aitor; Hernández, Claudia; Muñoz Millán, Javier Andrés (Wiley, 2020)
      We report the presence of Babesia vogeli in dogs in Chile. During two surveillance campaigns separated by a year, sixty-three blood samples from free-ranging rural dogs in Coquimbo, Chile, were analysed through conventional ...
    • Bacovic Fanola, Milenka; Errázuriz Mackenna, María Isabel (Universidad de Chile, 2014-07)
      Una de las principales tareas como padres es el cuidado de los hijos. La llegada de un recién nacido al hogar es un momento muy importante, ya que requieren cuidados especiales y suelen ser muy demandantes en sus primeros ...
    • Ampuero, Sergio, [Parte I]; Bedwell, Kevin, [Parte II] (Universidad de Chile, 2022)
      BabyApp, es una empresa dedicada a la comercialización vía web de artículos y a su vez ropa de bebes y niños (todo de segunda mano), específicamente realiza su comercialización a través de Ecommerce, App y redes sociales ...
    • Toro Herrera, Edgardo Sebastián (Universidad de Chile, 2021)
      La presente memoria consiste en el análisis de caso de un grupo de estudiantes de bachillerato que participaron en un taller de análisis vocacional, llevado a cabo por el autor y un colaborador mediante la técnica de ...
    • Silva Steffens, Nora; Gajardo, M.; Quintero, A. (Sociedad de Periodoncia de Chile, Sociedad de Implantología Oral de Chile y Sociedad, 2008)
      Antecedentes y objetivos: Las periodontitis son un grupo de patologías que afectan los tejidos de soporte del diente. Diferentes especies de la microbiota subgingival se han asociado con los tipos de periodontitis. El ...
    • Layera Díaz, Sofía Belén (Universidad de Chile, 2018)
      Con motivo de la construcción de la extensión de la Línea 3 de Metro hacia Quilicura, surge la necesidad de estimar los parámetros geotécnicos de los suelos finos del noroeste de Santiago. Para realizar esta estimación se ...
    • Melnick, Daniel; Li, Shaoyang; Moreno, Marcos; Cisternas, Marco; Jara-Muñoz, Julius; Wesson, Robert; Nelson, Alan; Báez, Juan Carlos; Deng, Zhiguo (Nature Publishing Group, 2018)
      © 2018, The Author(s). Great megathrust earthquakes arise from the sudden release of energy accumulated during centuries of interseismic plate convergence. The moment deficit (energy available for future earthquakes) is ...
    • Duran Santomil, Pablo; Otero González, Luis; Martorell Cunill, Onofre; Merigó Lindahl, José (Elsevier, 2018-08)
      Backtesting is a technique for validating internal models under Solvency II, which allows for evaluating the discrepancies between the results provided by a model and real observations. This paper aims to establish various ...
    • Rivera, Dacil; Toledo, Viviana; Di Pillo, Francisca; Dueñas, Fernando; Tardone, Rodolfo; Hamilton-West Miranda, Christopher; Vongkamjan, Kitiya; Wiedmann, Martin; Moreno Switt, Andrea I. (International Association Food Protection, 2018)
      The genus Salmonella has more than 2,600 serovars, and this trait is important when considering interventions for Salmonella control. Bacteriophages that are used for biocontrol must have an exclusively lytic cycle and the ...
    • Di Pillo, Francisca; Anríquez, Gustavo; Alarcón, Pablo; Jiménez Bluhm, Pedro; Galdames, Pablo; Nieto, Vanesa; Schultz-Cherry, Stacey; Hamilton-West Miranda, Christopher (Elsevier B.V., 2019)
      Backyard production systems (BPS) that involve poultry are a good way to improve food security and poverty alleviation. Few studies have been carried out to quantify the contribution of poultry production to these households ...
    • Quintanilla González, María Elena; Perez, Elizabeth; Tampier, Lutske (2008)
      Treatment with γ-aminobutiric acid (GABAB) receptor agonist, ±baclofen, has been shown to reduce ethanol intake in selectively bred Sardinian alcohol-preferring rats. The general goal of the present study was to characterize ...
    • Palma Lohse, Emilio Eugenio (Universidad de Chile, 2010)
    • Fica Cubillos, Alberto; Illanes, Victor; Sakurada Zamora, Andrea; Vidal, Mario Martín; Valenzuela, M. Eugenia (Sociedad Chilena de Infectologia, 2006)
      We report a case of bacteraemia by Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus in a 77 year-old woman with immunosuppression secondary to steroid use. Diagnosis was suspected by finding Gram negative curved rods in blood cultures ...