Now showing items 54896-54915 of 92838

    • Pérez, Cecilia A.; Silva, Wladimir A.; Aravena, Juan C.; Armesto, Juan J. (Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, 2017)
      © 2017 Regents of the University of Colorado. We tested the main hypothesis that nutrient accumulation during late stages of postglacial succession would decrease nutrient limitation of diazotrophic activity. We tested ...
    • Kleimeier, Stefanie (Jorge Gregoire, 1995)
      Este articulo revisa la literatura en financiamiento de proyectos sin protección o con respaldo limitado.
    • Sebastián, Valentina P.; Moreno Tapia, Daniela; Melo González, Felipe; Hernández Cáceres, María Paz; Salazar, Geraldyne A.; Pardo Roa, Catalina; Farías, Mónica A.; Vallejos, Omar P.; Schultz, Bárbara M.; Morselli, Eugenia; Álvarez Lobos, Manuel M.; González, Pablo A.; Kalergis, Alexis M.; Bueno, Susan M. (MDPI, 2022)
      An important virulence trait of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) is the ability to avoid the host immune response, generating systemic and persistent infections. Host cells play a crucial role in ...
    • Vargas, Sergio L.; Hughes, Walter T.; Wakefield, Ann E.; Oz, Helieh S. (University of Chicago, 1995)
      The purpose of this study was to determine the period of persistence of Pneumocystis carinii in the lungs after P. carinii pneumonitis (PCP). After primary PCP was induced with dexamethasone, experimental rats were moved ...
    • Vásquez, Mónica; Grüttner, Carol; Möeller, Blanca; Moore, Edward R.B. (2002)
      Paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) are sodium channel blocking (SCB) toxins, produced by cyanobacteria, as well as by marine dinoflagellates and their associated bacteria, and cause serious health and economic concern ...
    • Martínez Alvear, Claudia; Sahm, Claudia (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2009)
      Chileans with more knowledge about the pension system more actively contribute to and manage their individual retirement accounts. This positive association between system knowledge and retirement saving remains even ...
    • Dünner, Rolando; Araya, Pablo A.; Meza Cofré, Andrés; Reisenegger, Andreas (BLACKWELL, 2006-03-01)
      According to the latest evidence, the Universe is entering an era of exponential expansion, where gravitationally bound structures will get disconnected from each other, forming isolated 'island universes'. In this scenario, ...
    • Olivares, Manuel; Uauy Dagach-Imbarack, Ricardo (American Society for Nutrition, 1996)
      Acute copper toxicity is infrequent in humans. The evidence for chronic toxicity is derived principally from patients with Wilson disease and cases of infantile cirrhosis that were related to excessive copper intakes. The ...
    • Gómez Jeria, Juan (SOCIEDAD CHILENA DE QUIMICA, 2006-12)
      Two medium-sized molecular systems X-60 (X=C,N) were analyzed using Extended Huckel, Density Functional and ab initio Hartree-Fock methods. The aim of the work was to test the reliability of the EHT methodology to calculate ...
    • Gómez-Lobo Echeñique, Andrés; Estache, Antonio (TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2005-03)
      During the past three decades, urban public transport policy has gone through several phases. From public ownership and monopoly provision, the 1980s and 1990s were characterized by a strong liberalization of the sector. ...
    • Qiu, Tong; Andrus, Robert; Aravena Acuña, Marie Claire; Ascoli, Davide; Bergeron, Yves; Berretti, Roberta; Berveiller, Daniel; Bogdziewicz, Michal; Boivin, Thomas; Bonal, Raul; Bragg, Don C.; Caignard, Thomas; Calama, Rafael; Camarero, J. Julio; Chang-Yang, Chia-Hao; Cleavitt, Natalie L.; Courbaud, Benoit; Courbet, Francois; Curt, Thomas; Das, Adrian J.; Daskalakou, Evangelia; Davi, Hendrik; Delpierre, Nicolas; Delzon, Sylvain; Dietze, Michael; Donoso Calderón, Sergio; Dormont, Laurent; Espelta, Josep; Fahey, Timothy J.; Farfan-Rios, William; Gehring, Catherine A.; Gilbert, Gregory S.; Gratzer, Georg; Greenberg, Cathryn H.; Guo, Qinfeng; Hacket-Pain, Andrew; Hampe, Arndt; Han, Qingmin; Lambers, Jeanneke Hille Ris; Hoshizaki, Kazunhiko; Ibáñez, Inés; Johnstone, Jill F.; Journé, Velentin; Kabeya, Daisuke; Kilner, Christopher L.; Kitzberger, Thomas; Knops, Johannes M. H.; Kobe, Richard K.; Kunstler, Georges; Lageard, Jonathan G. A.; La Montagne, Jalene M.; Ledwon, Mateusz; Lefevre, Francois; Leininger, Theodor; Limousin, Jean-Marc; Lutz, James A.; Macias, DIana; McIntire, Eliot J. B.; Moore, Christopher M.; Moran, Emily; Motta, Renzo; Myers, Jonathan A.; Nagel, Thomas A.; Noguchi, Kyotaro; Ourcival, Jean-Marc; Parmenter, Robert; Pearse, Ian S.; Pérez Ramos, Ignacio M.; Piechnik, Lukasz; Poulsen, John; Poulton-Kamakura, Renata; Redmond, Miranda D.; Reid, Chantal D.; Rodman, Kyle C.; Rodríguez Sánchez, Francisco; Sanguinetti, Javier D.; Scher, C. Lane; Schlesinger, William H.; Schmidt Van Marle, Harald; Seget, Barbara; Sharma, Shubhi; Silman, Miles; Steele, Michael A.; Stephenson, Nathan L.; Straub, Jacob N.; Sun, I-Fang; Sutton, Samantha; Swenson, Jennifer J.; Swift, Margaret; Thomas, Peter A.; Uriarte, María; Vacchiano, Giorgio; Veblen, Thomas T.; Whipple, Amy V.; Whitham, Thomas G.; Wion, Andreas P.; Wright, Boyd; Wright, S. Joseph; Zhu, Kai; Zimmerman, Jess K.; Zlotin, Roman; Zywiec, Magdalena; Clark, James S. (Nature, 2022)
      The relationships that control seed production in trees are key to understand evolutionary pressures that have shaped forests. A global synthesis of fecundity data reveals that while seed production is not constrained by ...
    • Paredes Escobar, María Cristina (Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud, 2012)
      One of the main problems of clinical bioethics related to the end of life is the limits to therapeutic efforts. Its fair practice is reduced to limit efforts when the circumstances of the patient point to the lack of ...
    • García Sanz, Ignacio; Heine Fuster, Inger Andrea; Luque, José A.; Pizarro Martínez, Héctor Orlando; Castillo, Rodrigo; Pailahual, Matías; Prieto, Manuel; Pérez Portilla, Pablo; Aránguiz Acuña, Adriana (Nature, 2021)
      The Andean Altiplano-Puna is located at an elevation of approximately 4000 m.a.s.l. and is delineated by the Western and the Eastern Andes Cordillera. The high-altitude wetlands (HAWs) in the Central Andes are unique ...
    • Spag Hagar, Jaime (Sociedad Chilena de Tecnología de Alimentos, 1976)
      La limpieza constituye una operación crítica en la industria alimentaria. Generalmente se tiende a considerar como impurezas o suciedad solamente a materias tales como tierra, pesticidas, microorganismos, grasas, carbohidratos, ...
    • Zavala Muñoz, Francisca Andrea; Orlando, Julieta (Universidad de Chile, 2020-11)
      Presenta a los líquenes como modelo para estudiar la interacción microbiana, una de las líneas de investigación del LEMi_UCh. La importancia de estos organismos y su conservación en los bosques del sur de Chile son el foco ...
    • Quiroz Rojas, Loreto (Universidad de Chile, 2015-03)
      La presente investigación pretende dar cuenta de un fenómeno incipiente en Chile, se trata los linchamientos, entendidos estos como “…una acción colectiva, punitiva, que puede ser anónima, espontánea u organizada, con ...
    • Maldonado Suárez, Pamela Soledad; Durán Muñoz, Carolina Alejandra (Universidad de Chile, 2015-05)
      A continuación se presenta plan de negocios para la implementación de proyecto de Centro móvil de belleza y estética integral, llamado “Linda Lounge”, el cual presta los servicios a un grupo de cinco mujeres en el hogar o ...
    • Junqueira, Virginia; Simizu, Kiyoko; Van Halsema, Leonardo; Koch, Osvaldo R.; Barros, Silvia B.M.; Videla Cabrera, Luis (Informa Healthcare, 1988)
      1. Lindane (60 mg/kg) administered orally to rats increased liver cytochrome P-450 content and superoxide radical (O- 2) generation 24 h after treatment, while formation of thiobarbituric acid reactants and NADPH/ADP-supported ...
    • Barros, Silvia B.M.; Videla Cabrera, Luis; Simizu, Kiyoko; Van Halsema, Leonardo; Junqueira, Virginia B.C. (Informa Healthcare, 1988)
      1. Four hours after treatment of rats with lindane (60 mg/kg), hepatic GSH content was decreased (22% and GSSG was increased (20% while biliary concentration and excretion of both GSH and GSSG and bile flow were diminished. ...
    • Videla Cabrera, Luis; Simizu, Kiyoko; Barros, Silvia B.M.; Junqueira, Virginia (1989)
      The effects of lindane administration (25–60 mg kg−1 for 24 h) on hepatic oxygen consumption were studied in the isolated perfused rat liver, in the absence and presence of the iron‐chelator free‐radical scavenger ...