Now showing items 9791-9810 of 92606

    • Lisbona, Fernanda; Rojas Rivera, Diego; Thielen, Peter; Zamorano, Sebastian; Todd, Derrick; Martinon, Fabio; Glavic Maurer, Álvaro; Kress, Christina; Lin, Jonathan H.; Walter, Peter; Reed, John C.; Glimcher, Laurie H.; Hetz Flores, Claudio (2009)
      Adaptation to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress depends on the activation of an integrated signal transduction pathway known as the unfolded protein response (UPR). Bax inhibitor-1 (BI-1) is an evolutionarily conserved ...
    • Castillo, Karen; Rojas Rivera, Diego; Lisbona, Fernanda; Caballero, Benjamín; Nassif, Melissa; Court, Felipe A.; Schuck, Sebastian; Ibar, Consuelo; Walter, Peter; Sierralta, Jimena; Glavic Maurer, Álvaro; Hetz Flores, Claudio (2011)
      Both autophagy and apoptosis are tightly regulated processes playing a central role in tissue homeostasis. Bax inhibitor 1 (BI-1) is a highly conserved protein with a dual role in apoptosis and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) ...
    • Kiviluoto, Santeri; Luyten, Tomas; Schneider, Lars; Lisak, Dmitrij; Rojas Rivera, Diego; Welkenhuyzen, Kirsten; Missaen, Ludwig; Smedt, Humbert De; Parys, Jan B.; Hetz Flores, Claudio; Methner, Axel; Bultynck, Geert (Elsevier, 2013)
      tBax Inhibitor-1 (BI-1) is an evolutionarily conserved six-transmembrane domain endoplasmic reticulum(ER)-localized protein that protects against ER stress-induced apoptotic cell death. This function is closelyconnected ...
    • Lisbona Pizarro, María Fernanda (Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an essential organelle for protein folding and secretion. Different conditions alter its functioning promoting the accumulation of misfolded proteins at its lumen, a condition referred ...
    • Le Roux, Jacobus; Olivares, Danisa M.; Nielsen, Sven N.; Smith, Norman D.; Middleton, Heather; Fenner, Juliane; Ishman, Scott E. (ELSEVIER, 2006-02-01)
      The north-facing Bay of Tongoy in central Chile is flanked by topographic highs in the west and east. During the Miocene and Pliocene, the bay extended inland at least 30 kin farther south than a present. It was filled ...
    • Becerra Yoma, Néstor; Carrasco, Jorge; Molina, Carlos (2005-11)
      In this letter, Bayes-based confidence measure (BBCM) in speech recognition is proposed. BBCM is applicable to any standard word feature and makes use of information about the speech recognition engine performance. In ...
    • Villegas Mardones, Constanza Luisa (Universidad de Chile, 2020)
      En la estimación de parámetros orbitales, un sistema estelar triple jerárquico puede ser visto como dos sistemas binarios combinados. Este proceso de inferencia es muy desafiante, dada la alta dimensionalidad del espacio ...
    • Raposo Vogel, Ignacio Eduardo (Universidad de Chile, 2020)
      En un mercado global crecientemente más competitivo, bajar los costos operacionales y asegurar la estabilidad operacional ha saltado directamente como prioridad en las decisiones estratégicas de administración relacionadas ...
    • Peralta, Patricio; Ruiz, Rafael; Meruane Naranjo, Viviana (American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2018)
      The interest of this work is to describe a framework that allows the use of the well-known dynamic estimators in piezoelectric harvester (deterministic performance estimators) but taking into account the random error ...
    • Yoshida, Grazyella Massako; Lhorente, Jean Paul; Carvalheiro, Roberto; Yáñez López, José (Wiley, 2017)
      We performed a genome-wide association study to detect markers associated with growth traits in Atlantic salmon. The analyzed traits included body weight at tagging (BWT) and body weight at 25 months (BW25M). Genotypes of ...
    • Guerrero Pérez, Pablo Alexis (Universidad de Chile, 2011)
      El manejo de incerteza es de gran importancia en el campo de la Robótica Móvil. La correcta estimación y reducción de la incerteza respecto al estado de un robot y su entorno pueden tener un tremendo impacto en el nivel ...
    • Peralta, Patricio; Ruiz, Rafael O.; Taflanidis, Alexandros A. (Elsevier, 2020)
      The model updating of the electro-mechanical properties of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters (PEHs) using experimental data within a Bayesian inference setting is discussed. The implementation requires: a predictive model ...
    • Cabrera, G. F.; Casassus Montero, Simón; Hitschfeld Kahler, Nancy (UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2008-01-10)
      We present a Bayesian Voronoi image reconstruction ( VIR) technique for interferometric data. Bayesian analysis applied to the inverse problem allows us to derive the a posteriori probability of a novel parameterization ...
    • Cabrera Vives, Guillermo (Universidad de ChilePrograma Cybertesis, 2008)
    • Grandón Silva, Daniela Ignacia (Universidad de Chile, 2023)
      La cosmología se encuentra actualmente en el estado afortunado de recopilar cada vez más datos y, en particular, datos cada vez más precisos. Esto, a su vez, implica que la estimación de numerosos parámetros cosmológicos ...
    • Videla Araya, Miguel Ignacio (Universidad de Chile, 2021)
      A methodology for Bayesian inference in binary stellar systems based on the No-U-Turn sampler Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is presented, providing a precise and efficient estimation of the joint posterior distribution ...
    • Videla Araya, Miguel; Méndez Bussard, René; Clavería, Rubén; Silva Sánchez, Jorge; Orchard Concha, Marcos (IOP, 2022)
      We present a Bayesian inference methodology for the estimation of orbital parameters on single-line spectroscopic binaries with astrometric data, based on the No-U-Turn sampler Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Our ...
    • Davis, Sergio; Peralta, Joaquín; Navarrete, Yasmín; González, Diego; Gutiérrez Gallardo, Gonzalo (Springer, 2015)
      In this work we review the formalism used in describing the thermodynamics of first-order phase transitions from the point of view of maximum entropy inference. We present the concepts of transition temperature, latent ...
    • Quinteros Scholz, Jorge Andrés (Universidad de Chile, 2019)
      El sistema de salud público japonés incluye seguros médicos obligatorios que subsidian todo tipo de procedimiento. Esto provoca que algunos profesionales en duda a veces encarguen exámenes innecesarios, especialmente en ...
    • Gutiérrez, Luis; Gutiérrez Peña, Eduardo; Mena, Ramsés H. (Elsevier, 2014)
      High-dimensional spectroscopy data are increasingly common in many fields of science. Building classification models in this context is challenging, due not only to high dimensionality but also to high autocorrelations. ...