Browsing by Author "Bustos Obregón, Eduardo"
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
Flores, Paloma; García Huidobro, Jorge; Muñoz, Camila; Bustos Obregón, Eduardo; Urquieta, Bessie (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2002-08-15)Increasing the knowledge of the semen characteristics in the alpaca will contribute to understanding one of the many factors that affect the poor fertility rate in this species. Ten adult male alpacas, 2.6-10 years of age, ...
Urquieta, Bessie; Flores, Paloma; Muñoz, Camila; Bustos Obregón, Eduardo; García Huidobro, Jorge (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2005-12)Most studies in alpaca reproductive biology have been focused on female physiology. Only recent research is being conducted in order to increase the knowledge on males. Semen characteristics during breeding periods will ...
Paolicchi, Fernando; Urquieta, Bessie; Cabrera del Valle, Luis Alejandro; Bustos Obregón, Eduardo (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 1999-01-08)South American camelids are induced ovulators and require a stimulus to trigger the LH surge responsible for the ovulation. Seminal plasma (SP) of fertile alpacas (Lama paces) was tested using a bioassay of pituitary cells ...
Rodríguez, Angel; Rojas, Mariana A.; Bustos Obregón, Eduardo; Urquieta, Bessie; Regadera, Javier (WILEY-LISS, DIV JOHN WILEY & SONS INC, 1999-03-01)The purpose of the present study was to investigate the pattern of distribution of cytokeratins, vimentin and muscular actin in the testis of vicuna (Vicugna vicugna) and llama (Lama glama) two species of camelids native ...
Bustos Obregón, Eduardo; Hartley Belmar, Ricardo (SOC CHILENA ANATOMIA, 2008-12)This review briefly considers the testicular damage elicited by environmental chemical pollution. It includes a short comment on environmental toxicology as an introduction to environmental chemical pollution, highlighting ...
Valenzuela Estrada, Mario; Parra, Roberto; Velasco Martín, Juan P.; Núñez, Hipólito; Regadera, Javier; Bustos Obregón, Eduardo (Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía, 2014)El estudio de la hipoxia hipobárica (HH) determina un problema de salud pública y laboral en poblaciones que habitan en zonas de altura. La disminución del oxígeno afecta a diferentes órganos, incluyendo el testículo. El ...
Bustos Obregón, Eduardo; González Hormazábal, Patricio (2003)Aim: To observe the acute effect of the organophosphorous insecticide malathion on testicular function in mice. Methods: The effects of a single dose of malathion [240 mg/kg (1/12 LD 50)] on plasma acetylcholinesterase ...
Bustos Obregón, Eduardo; Esponda, Pedro; Sarabia, Luis (Universidad de la Frontera, 2006)The spermatogenesis is regulated by the hypotalamus-hypophysis gonadal axis, and the androgens play a fundamental role in their last stages. The administration of the antiandrogen flutamide interferes with the function of ...
Cikutovic, Marcos; Fuentes, Nelson; Bustos Obregón, Eduardo (2009)Cikutovic, Marcos, Nelson Fuentes, and Eduardo Bustos-Obregón. Effect of intermittent hypoxia on the reproduction of rats exposed to high altitude in the Chilean Altiplano. High Alt. Med. Biol. 10:357-363, 2009.- Environmental ...
Bustos Obregón, Eduardo; Esveile, Christian; Contreras, Julio; Maurer, Inge; Sarabia, Luis (Universidad de la Frontera, 2006)Reduction of O2 delivery to tissues damage them, including the seminiferous epithelium. Recently, population working in high altitude has increased, so that the study of hypobaric hypoxia on spermatogenesis becomes of ...
Vargas, Álvaro; Bustos Obregón, Eduardo; Hartley, Ricardo (2011)Hypobaric hypoxia is of interest due to an increase of human populations working at high altitude. Testicular damage is related to the physiological response (neoangiogenesis) to increased intrascrotal blood fl ow as ...
Effects of Malathion on Cellularity and Sperm Differentiation in Testis and Epididymis of Adult Rats Espinoza Navarro, O.; Bustos Obregón, Eduardo (Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía, 2014)Malathion is an organophosphorous insecticide, used worldwide for pest and disease control; however, it could also affect the reproductive patterns of several species. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of ...
Olivares Paz, Alberto; Jofré Madariaga, David; Alvarez Mazú, Carlos; Bustos Obregón, Eduardo (2009)The coast of the Southeastern Pacific is the habitat for 13 species of described keyhole limpets of the subgenus Fissurella Brugière. In these species sexual dimorphism does not exist, the animals are dioicos, the sex is ...
Bustos Obregón, Eduardo; Hartley Belmar, Ricardo; Catriao Gálvez, Roberto (Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía, 2008)Boron is a non-metal element, commonly found in Nature as borates in sedimentary rocks, charcoal, oceans and soils. In Chile, it is found in high concentrations in the drinkable water of the XV region, in Arica city, in ...
Bustos Obregón, Eduardo; Del Río, Fernando Costa; Sarabia, Luis (Universidad de la Frontera, 2007)Organophosphoric (OP) agropesticidas are amply used to increase food production. However, it has been verified that they induce alterations at testicular level related to the diminution of fertility in humans as in animals. ...
Buendía, P.; Soler, Carlés; Paolicchi, Fernando; Gago, G.; Urquieta, Bessie; Pérez Sánchez, F.; Bustos Obregón, Eduardo (ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2002-03-01)Sperm morphology has been identified as one characteristic which can be useful in the prediction of sperm fertility, therefore, we hope that this study aimed at establishing standardized morphological criteria might serve ...
Castillo Peñaloza, Rodrigo; Zepeda, Andrea; Short, Stefanía; Figueroa, Elías; Bustos Obregón, Eduardo; Farías, Jorge (BioMed Central, 2015)Background: Intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (IHH) induces changes in the redox status and structure in rat testis. These effects may be present in people at high altitudes, such as athletes and miners. Polyunsaturated fatty ...
Hartley Belmar, Ricardo; Castro Sánchez, Rodrigo; Ramos González, Benito; Bustos Obregón, Eduardo (2009)At present it is not clear if male fertility is affected by intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (IHH). This is an important issue since a large human population works over 3000 masl. This study analyzes epididymal sperm, in ...
Hartley, Ricardo; Castro-Sánchez, Rodrigo; Ramos-Gonzalez, Benito; Bustos Obregón, Eduardo (Universidad de la Frontera, 2009)At present it is not clear if male fertility is affected by intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (IHH). This is an important issue since a large human population works over 3000 masl. This study analyzes epididymal sperm, in ...
Bustos Obregón, Eduardo; Castro-Sánchez, Rodrigo; Ramos-González, Benito; Torres Díaz, Leandro (Universidad de la Frontera, 2010)At present it is not clear if male fertility is affected by intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (IHH). This is an important issue since a large human population works over 3000 masl. This study analyzes testicular changes in ...