Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Maza de la Jara, Ana Cecilia (Universisdad de Chile, 1998)
      Cota para la menor norma en una clase de ideales. Damos un método analítico para obtener cotas superiores para la menor norma entre todas las normas de ideales de un cuerpo de numero. Aplicado esto a cuerpos de grados ...
    • Castillo Gárate, Víctor; Friedman Rafael, Eduardo (International Press of Boston, Inc., 2012)
      Zeta-regularized products Πmam are known not to commute with finite products, so one studies the discrepancy Fn given by exp(Fn) := {equation presented}. For a rather general class of products, associated to polynomials ...
    • Chinburg, Ted; Friedman Rafael, Eduardo (Universite de Bordeaux I, 2000)
      © Université Bordeaux 1, 2000. tous droits réservés.Let B be a quaternion algebra over a number field k. To a pair of Hilbert symbols {a, b} and {c, d} for B we associate an invariant ρ = ρR([D(a, b)], [D(c, d)]) in a ...
    • Belabas, Karim; Díaz y Díaz, Francisco; Friedman Rafael, Eduardo (2008)
      Assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, Bach has shown that the ideal class group CIK of a number field K can be generated by the prime ideals of K having norm smaller than 12(log |Discriminant(K)|)2 . This result is ...
    • Friedman Rafael, Eduardo; Pereira, Aldo (2012)
      For f and g polynomials in p variables, we relate the special value at a non-positive integer s = -N, obtained by analytic continuation of the Dirichlet series ζ(s;f, g) = ∑ k1 = 0 ∞⋯∑ kp = 0 ∞g(k 1,⋯,k p)f(k 1,⋯,k p) -s ...