Browsing by Author "González, Alejandro"
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Maurer Granofszky, Margarita; Schumich, Angela; Buldini, Barbara; Gaipa, Giuseppe; Kappelmayer, Janos; Mejstrikova, Ester; Karawajew, Leonid; Rossi, Jorge; Suzan, Adin cinar; Agriello, Evangelina; Anastasiou Grenzelia, Theodora; Barcala, Virna; Barna, Gabor; Batinic, Drago; Bourquin, Jean-Pierre; Brueggemann, Monika; Bukowska Strakova, Karolina; Burnusuzov, Hasan; Carelli, Daniela; Deniz, Guennur; Dubravcic, Klara; Feuerstein, Tamar; Gaillard, Marie Isabel; Galeano, Adriana; Giordano, Hugo; González, Alejandro; Groeneveld Krentz, Stefanie; Hevessy, Zsuzsanna; Hrusak, Ondrej; Iarossi, María Belén; Jakso, Pal; Kloboves Prevodnik, Veronika; Kohlscheen, Saskia; Kreminska, Elena; Maglia, Óscar; Malusardi, Cecilia; Marinov, Neda; Martin, Bibiana María; Moeller, Claudia; Nikulshin, Sergey; Palazzi, Jorge; Paterakis, Georgios; Popov, Alexander; Ratei, Richard; Rodríguez, Cecilia; Sajaroff, Elisa Olga; Sala, Simona; Samardzija, Gordana; Sartor, Mary; Scarparo, Pamela; Sedek, Lukasz; Sedek, Lukasz; Solari, Liliana; Svec, Peter; Szczepanski, Tomasz; Taparkou, Anna; Torrebadell, Montserrat; Tzanoudaki, Marianna; Varotto, Elena; Vernitsky, Helly; Attarbaschi, Andishe; Schrappe, Martin; Conter, Valentino; Biondi, Andrea; Felice, Marisa; Campbell Bull, Myriam Florencia; Kiss, Csongor; Basso, Giuseppe; Dworzak, Michael N. (MDPI, 2021)Simple Summary Standardization of flow-cytometric assessment of minimal residual disease in acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) is necessary to allow concordant multicentric application of the methodology. This is a prerequisite ...
González, Alejandro (Universidad de Chile, 2013)Hoy por hoy Chile se posiciona como el mayor productor de cobre a nivel mundial según una lista elaborada por “Copperinvestingnews” en 2012, sin embargo ostentar tal título, no es raro en la historia del país. Dicha cualidad ...
Peña, Francisco J.; González, Alejandro; Núñez Vásquez, Álvaro; Orellana, Pedro A.; Rojas, René G.; Vargas, Patricio (MDPI, 2017)We study the effect of the degeneracy factor in the energy levels of the well-known Landau problem for a magnetic engine. The scheme of the cycle is composed of two adiabatic processes and two isomagnetic processes, driven ...
Peña, Francisco J.; Negrete, Oscar; Barrios, Gabriel Alvarado; Zambrano, David; González, Alejandro; Nunez, Alvaro S.; Orellana, Pedro A.; Vargas, Patricio (MDPI AG, 2019)We studied the performance of classical and quantum magnetic Otto cycle with a working substance composed of a single quantum dot using the Fock-Darwin model with the inclusion of the Zeeman interaction. Modulating an ...