Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Parisi, M. Gabriela; Carraro, Giovanni; Maris, Michele; Brunini, Adrian (EDP Science, 2008)
      Context. It is widely accepted that the large obliquity of Uranus is the result of a great tangential collision (GC) with an Earth size proto-planet at the end of the accretion process. The impulse imparted by the GC had ...
    • Carraro, Giovanni; Maris, Michele; Bertin, Daniel; Parisi, M. Gabriela (EDP SCIENCES S A, 2006-12)
      Context. The dwarf planet Eris (2003 UB313, formerly known also as "Xena") is the largest KBO discovered up to now. Despite being larger than Pluto and having many similarities to it, it has not been possible so far to ...