Now showing items 1-20 of 23

    • Cáceres Aravena, Gabriel Ernesto (Universidad de Chile, 2023)
      En esta tesis estudiamos las propiedades de localización y dispersión de redes fotónicas compuestas por guías de onda. Una guía de onda siempre soporta al menos un modo óptico y puede soportar un segundo o tercer modo ...
    • Molina Gálvez, Mario (Sociedad Mexicana de Fisica, 2001)
      We introduce and solve in closed form, using momentum and kinetic energy balance, a simplified microscopic model of a body propagating in a one dimensional resistive medium. For a whole family of collisions with varying ...
    • Molina Gálvez, Mario; Lazarides, N.; Tsironis, G. (2009)
      We investigate theoretically the existence of bulk and surface discrete breathers in a one-dimensional magnetic metamaterial comprised of a periodic binary array of split-ring resonators; the two types of resonators used ...
    • Molina Gálvez, Mario; Bahlouli, H. (Elsevier, 2002)
      We use the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger (DNLS) equation to describe tunneling through a single magnetic impurity connected to two perfect leads, in the presence of a magnetic field. Due to the presence of a strong on-site ...
    • Molina Gálvez, Mario; Rössler, Jaime (Sociedad Mexicana de Fisica, 1998)
      We study Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) for a non-interacting gas in a very anisotropic trap. Therefore, at enough small temperatures some degrees of freedom "freeze", thus reducing the "effective" dimensionality of the ...
    • Chen, D.; Molina Gálvez, Mario; Tsironis, G. P. (IOP Publishing, 1996)
      We study propagation of excitations in one-dimensional tight-binding chains doped with random impurities that are classical Einstein oscillators. We find that the presence of impurities does not affect substantially the ...
    • Ordonez, C. A.; Bickel, D. R.; Venezia, V. C.; McDaniel, F. D.; Malteson, S. E.; Molina Gálvez, Mario (Elsevier, 1999)
      Electronic ion energy loss calculations on the basis of the binary encounter approximation are presented for protons in oxygen, nitrogen and silicon. Calculations using both an analytical approach as well as a Monte Carlo ...
    • Naether, Uta; Rojas Rojas, Santiago; Martínez, Alejandro J.; Stützer, Simon; Tünnermann, Andreas; Nolte, Stefan; Molina Gálvez, Mario; Vicencio Poblete, Rodrigo; Szameit, Alexander (Optical Society of America, 2013-01)
      We show, numerically and experimentally, that the presence of weak disorder results in an enhanced energy distribution of an initially localized wave-packet, in one- and two-dimensional finite lattices. The addition of ...
    • Naether, U.; Stützer, S.; Vicencio Poblete, Rodrigo; Molina Gálvez, Mario; Tünnermann, A.; Nolte, S.; Kottos, T.; Christodoulides, D.N.; Szameit, A. (IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, 2013)
      We experimentally observe anomalous wavepacket evolution in a realization of a one-dimensional finite binary Anderson model in the presence of short-range correlations. To this end, we employ weakly-coupled optical waveguides ...
    • Yáñez, J. M.; Molina Gálvez, Mario; Mattis, D. C. (2001)
      We calculate thermodynamic properties of a disordered model insulator, starting from the ideal simple-cubic lattice (g = 0) and increasing the disorder parameter g to » 1/2. As in the earlier Einstein and Debye approximations, ...
    • Salinas Valdivieso, Ignacio Alberto (Universidad de Chile, 2023)
      El estudio de la Materia Condensada es el área de la Física con más investigadores(as) a nivel mundial. En general los fenómenos de localización y transporte son de gran relevancia en esta área de estudio, los cuales tienen ...
    • Rojas Rojas, Santiago; Vicencio Poblete, Rodrigo; Molina Gálvez, Mario; Abdullaev, F. Kh (2011)
      Modulational instability and discrete matter wave solitons in dipolar BECs, loaded into a deep optical lattice, are investigated analytically and numerically. The process of modulational instability of nonlinear plane ...
    • Ordonez, C. A.; Molina Gálvez, Mario (1995)
      A Reply to the Comment by James W. Dufty, Roland Stamm, and Bernard Talin. © 1995 The American Physical Society.
    • Zárate Devia, Yair Daniel (Universidad de Chile, 2013)
      Los solitones son el fen omeno universal m as profundamente estudiado, debido a los innumerables sistemas físicos en los cuales se observa. Estas soluciones corresponden a estados localizados y coherentes que surgen ...
    • Vidal Henríquez, Estefanía (Universidad de Chile, 2015)
      Esta tesis está enfocada en el estudio de singularidades de fase en el contexto de auto organización en sistemas fuera del equilibrio. Nuestra investigación estuvo focalizada en comprender el surgimiento de vórtices en una ...
    • Deering, W. D.; Molina Gálvez, Mario (1997)
      We report on a theoretical and numerical investigation of the switching of power in new hybrid models of nonlinear coherent couplers consisting of optical slab waveguides with various orders of nonlinearity. The first model ...
    • Molina Gálvez, Mario; Roessler Bonzi, Jaime; Tsironis, George P. (Elsevier, 1997)
      We perform a fully quantum mechanical numerical calculation for the problem of a single electron (or excitation) propagating in an N-site one-dimensional chain in the presence of a single Holstein impurity. We compute the ...
    • Naether, U.; Heinrich, M.; Lahini, Y.; Nolte, S.; Vicencio Poblete, Rodrigo; Molina Gálvez, Mario; Szameit, A. (2013)
      We investigate numerically and experimentally the influence of coupling disorder on the self-trapping dynamics in nonlinear one-dimensional optical waveguide arrays. The existence of a lower and upper bound of the effective ...
    • Garanovich, Ivan L.; Sukhorukov, Andrey A.; Kivshar, Yuri S.; Molina Gálvez, Mario (Optical Society of American (OSA), 2006)
      We analyze nonlinear collective effects near surfaces of semiinfinite periodic systems with multi-gap transmission spectra and introduce a novel concept of multi-gap surface solitons as mutually trapped surface states with ...